Chapter 31 Flashcards
Agreements that exempted European visitors from ottoman law and provided European powers with extraterritoriality
Muhammad Ali
Military leader who drafted peasants and had his military trained by European officers
Mahmud II
Highest reform priority was the military
Tazimat Reforms
Lift capitulations and recover Ottoman sovereignty
Young Ottomans
Views ranged from secular revolution to uncompromising Islam
Young Turks
Most dissident organization for Union and progress
Constitution of 1876
An army coup forced Abdül Hamid to restore parliament and the constitution
Tsar Alexander II
Abolished serfdom
Nicholas II
Weak ruler who favored oppression and police control
Crimean War
Russia attempted to gain back a territory but failed because of their weak military
Great Reforms
Chinese reforms rebelling against the government
Government created district assemblies
Sergei Witte
Key to Russia’s industrialization- railroads
Anti Jewish protests
Russo Japanese war
Conflict in Russia’s eastward expansion