Chapter 3.1-3.4 Flashcards
Deductive argument
- if premise are true the conclusion is necessarily true
- goes from particular to general
1) arg based on math
2) arg by definition
3) categorical syllogism (all some or no)
4) hypothetical syllogism (if… Then)
5) disjunctive syllogism (either.. Or)
Affirming the consequent
P1: if p, then q
P2: q
C: p
- Invalid form of reasoning because conclusion is not true
Denying the antecedent
P1: if p, then q
P2: not p
C: not q
- is an error in reasoning
- “non sequitur” (it does not follow that)
Formal fallacies
- it is identified merely by examining the form or structure (deductive identifiable forms)
Informal fallacies
- can only be detected by examining the content of the argument
Fallacies of Relevance
- share the common characteristics that the arguments in which they occur have premises that are logically irrelevant to the conclusion
1) appeal to force
2) appeal to pity
3) appeal to the people (7 types)
4) argument against the person (3 types)
5) accident
6) straw man
7) missing the point
8) red herring
Appeal to force
- occurs whenever an argued poses a conclusion to another person and tells that person that some harm will come to him or her if she/he does not accept the conclusion
Appeal to pity
- occurs when an argued attempts to support a conclusion by merely evoking pity from the reader or listener
Appeal to the people
- uses people’s desires to get the reader or listener to accept a conclusion
Subtypes of appeal to the people 2 approaches indirect and direct 1) appeal to fear 2) bandwagon argument 3) appeal to vanity 4) appeal to snobbery 5) appeal to tradition
Appeal to the people
- Direct approaches
1) occurs when an arguer addresses large groups of people and gets them excited into a mob mentality
2) appeal to fear- arguer trumps up a fear of something in the mind of the crowd and uses that fear as a premise for some conclusion
Appeal to people
- indirect approach
- arguer aims his or her appeal not at the crowd but at the individuals separately
1) bandwagon argument
- everyone believes such and such or does such and such therefore you should too
2) appeal to vanity
- linking the love, admiration or approval of the crowd with some famous figure who is loved, admired and approved of
3) appeal to snobbery
- the crowd that the arguer appeals to is a smaller group that is supposed to be superior in some way
4) appeal to tradition
- an arguer cites the fact that something has become a tradition as grounds for some conclusion
Argument against the person
- involves two argues, one advances a certain argument and the other redirects the argument not to the first persons argument but to the person himself
Three forms
1) ad hominem abusive
- second person responds to the first persons argument by verbally abusing the first person
2) ad hominem circumstantial
- second person attempts to discredit the opponents argument by alluding to certain circumstances that affect the opponent
3) Tu quoque (you too)
- second arguer attempts to make the first appear hypocritical or arguing in bad faith
- when a general rule is applied to a specific case that it was not intended to cover
- cited in premises and then wrongly applied to the conclusion
Straw Man
- when an arguer distorts an opponents argument for the purpose of more easily attacking it, demolishes the distorted argument and then concludes that the opponents real argument has been demolished