Chapter 1-1.5 Flashcards
Non arguments
1) explanation
2) advice
3) belief or opinion
4) reports
5) expository passages
6) illustrations
7) explanations
8) conditional statements
Expository passage
Begin with a topic sentence followed by one or more sentences to develop the topic
Conditional statements
If (antecedent) then (consequent).
Consequent) if (antecedent
Explanandum- describes the event
Explanans- group of statements or statement that purports to do the explaining
Deductive Argument
- if premise are true the conclusion is necessarily true
- goes from particular to general
1) arg based on math
2) arg by definition
3) categorical syllogism (all some or no)
4) hypothetical syllogism (if… Then)
5) disjunctive syllogism (either.. Or)
Inductive argument
- it is improbable that the conc is false given that the premise are true
- goes from general to particular
1) prediction
2) arg from analogy
3) generalization
4) arg from authority
5) argument based on signs
6) casual inference (cause and effect)
Valid argument
- is always deductive
- the reasoning is correct
Sound argument
- always deductive
- must be valid and the premises all must be true
Strong argument
- only inductive
- Improbable that the argument is false given that the premises are true
To test strength
Assume all premises are true and then determine if conclusion is probably true
- only inductive
- is a strong argument with all true premises
Modus ponens
P1: If p, then q
P2: P
C: Q
Valid bc the reasoning is correct
Affirming the consequent
P1: if p, then q
P2: q
C: p
Invalid form of reasoning because conclusion is not true
Modus tollens
P1: if p, then q
P2: not q
C: not p
Denying the antecedent
P1: if p, then q
P2: not p
C: not q