Chapter 30, Cont. & Change Flashcards
Social Continuities
1800s, industrializing lands experienced demographic transition b/c of voluntary birth control (children more likely to survive to adulthood + cost more)
mens’ wages constituted the bulk of their families’ income and prestige at home
seated middle-class women in the domestic sphere
children still expected to work in agricultural societies
Political Continuities
labor and investment capital came largely from Europe
income determined the degree of comfort and security
Interactive Continuities
sailing ships remained the most effective means of transport over the seas until the middle of the nineteenth century
Cultural Continuities
sought equal and just society
Economic Continuities
economic relationship between Europe and the Americas (colonized lands of Americas supplied European societies with growing volume of primary products)
Social Changes
factory system led to emergence of an owner class whose capital financed equipment and machinery too expensive for workers to acquire
industrial workers became mere wage earners who only had labor services to offer, depending on employers for livelihood
artisans’ broad-range skills became obsolete
disappearance of slavery
captains of industry > military aristocracy
unskilled laborers appeared
work and family separated, family members led separate lives not in groups
removal of child labor
Germany introduced social reform for working people
Political Changes
factory system > putting-out system (characteristic)
new division of unskilled labor
1850s, industrialization spread to other countries & spurred by industrialization by providing cheap transportation and stimulating metallurgy industries
mass production; hallmark
labor subdivision & operations coordination = productivity
legal requirement for child education
globalization of industrialization to Russia, US, Europe, Japan, Germany, and European colonies
agricultural societies => industrial societies (factories)
Interactive Changes
technological changes on newly developed inanimate sources of power that led to extensive use of machinery
sophisticated economics met ecological obstacles (soil depletion, deforestation) caused intensified pollution
wood => coal
demand of cotton cloth
textile goods breakthrough = mechanization (weavers couldn’t catch up), utilized steam power
steel replaced iron (anything needing high strength)
past 1820s; refined engines of high efficiency drove steamships, not sailing ships
Cultural Changes
clocks, machines and shop rules established new rhythms of work new demand for domestic servants as middle class grew doctrines of Marx and Engls dominated European and international socialism, socialist parties grew rapidly trade unions gradually improved lives of working people
Economic Changes
economic production transformed by efficient, effective and cheap industrial manufactured high-quality products
transportation costs lowered by railroads and steamships
industrialization spurred the continuing development of capitalist business organization
specialization in the production and export of primary goods paved the way for economic economic development in European colonies
economic dependency in Japanese government