Chapter 3: Values, Diversity and Attitudes in Workplace Flashcards
Values is important input for (2)
attitudes and behaviors
Concepts or beliefs that guide how we make decisions and evaluate behaviours of our own and others
Assessing Values (2)
Capture entire value system
focus on one area
Rokeach Value Survey (RVS) and 2 categories
Interested in entire value system. Categories them into Terminal or Instrumental Values
Rokeach Value Survey (RVS): Terminal and Examples
goals that individuals would like to achieve during their lifetime
Ex: Comfortable life, Exciting Life, Accomplishment, Equality
Rokeach Value Survey (RVS): Instrumental and Examples
ideal behaviors or means of achieving terminal values
Ex: Ambitious, Broad-Minded, Capable, Courageous
Is there a moral aspect to people’s value system?
Values and morality are intertwined in value system
What are Hodgson’s General Moral Principles:
Moral principles individuals should follow when making decisions about behaviour
Hodgson’s General Moral Principles (7)
Dignity, Autonomy, Honesty, Loyalty, Fairness, Humaneness, Common Good
Cultural Values and what is a famous framework
values unique for each culture. Hofstede’s framework
hofstede framework: Power Distance
Degree to which people accept that power in institutions and organizations is distributed unequally. Etc Military Hierarchy vs unionized workforce
hofstede framework: Individualism
(I) independence, self-reliance, individual rights
hofstede framework: Collectivism
(We) tight social framework, look out for each other, group loyalty, interests of the group
hofstede framework: Masculinity vs Femininity
Degree to which culture favours traditional masculine roles i.e power, achievement, control as opposed to viewing men and women as equals
hofstede framework: Uncertainty Avoidance
degree to which people prefer structured over unstructured situations
Long Term Orientation
persistence, sustainable, tradition, growth
Short Term Orientation
here and now, present
Encourage free gratification of basic & natural needs
Favour need for control of gratification of needs
Cultural Intelligence
Ability to understand someone’s unfamiliar and ambiguous gestures in the same way as would people from their culture
- Biographical Characteristics etc age, gender, religion, sex, race, disability and tenure, ability/experience
How to create effective diversity programs and what it accomplishes(3)
- Legal framework for equal employment opportunity and encourage fair treatment of all people
- Diverse workplace will be better able to serve a diverse market of clients
- Personal Development practices bring out skills and abilities of workers
Positive or Negative/behaviour feelings concerning objects, people or events
3 Components of Attitude
Cognitive, Behavioural, Affective
Cognitive and Example
How people think about and interpret their attitude towards an object
Ex: Pay is too low reflects cognitive component of their attitude
Affective and Example
how person expresses feelings/emotions toward an attitude object
Ex: Angry over how little they are paid reflects affective component of their attitude
Behavioural and Example
how person behaves when exposed to an attitude object
Ex: Look for better paying job reflects behavioural component of their attitude
Attitudes in Workplace (4)
Job Satisfaction, Organizational Commitment, Job Involvement, Employee Engagement
Job Satisfaction:
is it most important workplace attitude?
individuals positive feeling about a job resulting from evaluation of its job characteristics.
Most important workplace attitude
Job Satisfaction associations (4-6)
- employee physical well-being and organizational performance
- work itself
- Pay Advancements
- Co-Workers
- Money
- Workplaces that provide interdependence, feedback, social support, and opportunities
Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB):
Discretionary behavior that is not part of an employee’s job requirements & not usually rewarded, but promotes effective functioning of organization
Employer Satisfaction and Loyalty: satisfied employees are more likely to be…..
friendly, upbeat, responsive and less likely to quit
Job Dissatisfaction and Job Performance
EVLN and Description
Exit: leave company
Voice: Attempt to improve conditions
Loyalty: Passively but optimistically wait for conditions to improve
Neglect: Allow conditions to worsen
Organizational Commitment:
employee identifies with a particular company & its goals, wishes to maintain position in the organization
Organizational Commitment: Affective
Individual’s emotional attachment to an organization & belief in values
Organizational Commitment: Normative
Obligation an individual feels to stay with an organization for moral or ethical reasons
Organizational Commitment: Continuance
Individual’s perceived economic value of remaining with an organization
Benefits of Organizational Commitment: Firms that have employees with a higher level of commitment tend to see positive results (4)
Higher customer/employee satisfaction
More productive employees
Higher profits
Lower levels of turnover and accidents
Job Involvement/Employee Engagement:
Measures the degree to which people identify psychologically with their job and consider perceived performance level important to self-worth.
Job Involvement/Employee Engagement increases job performance through psychological empowerment, what is job psychological empowerment
How employee influence their work environment, competence, meaningfulness of their job and perceived autonomy