Chapter 3 - Truman and the Cold War Flashcards
What year did Harry Truman become President?
Harry Truman basic info.
Born in Missouri, 8th May 1884. Family owned farm - father was livestock trader. Could not play sports because might break glasses. Family could not afford to send him to college.
Impact of Cold War
Truman believed that the US has a moral duty to fight Communism + promote freedom - could not do that while segregation oppressed blacks.
What year was The President’s Committee on Civil Rights set up?
1946 by Truman
What was ‘To Secure These Rights’ (1947)
Report by President’s Committe on Civil Rights. Highlighted huge problems facing African Americans + proposed radical changes to made America a more just society.
What did ‘To Secure These Rights’ highlight?
- Lynching (1882 - 1945 = >300 in Southern states)
- Police brutality
- Discrimination in armed forces
- Voting rights
- Employment and education
What did ‘To Secure These Rights’ suggest?
Radical Action to address racial inequalities. Job of federal gov. to protect and advance civil rights of black Americans. New laws to deal with lynching. FEPC made permenant. Many recommendations were unrealistic
Was there much government action under Truman?
The report’s proposals were only recommendations, Truman was not able to achieve anything that the report said due to lack of support in congress.
Who did Truman appoint using his power as President?
Black Americans - Ralphe Bunche (American Ambassador to UN), William Hastie (federal judge).
What Executive Orders did Truman sign?
9980 - fair employment practices in Civil Service.
10308 - established Committee on Government Contract Compliance.
9981 - equality of treatment and opportunity for all persons in the armed service… (June 1948)
1948 Presidential Election
First time Truman had had to run for president. Looked beaten by Democrats. TRUMAN ELECTED. First time the American people had elected a president who was committed to challenging segregation.
How successful was Truman?
Ground-breaking - To Secure These Rights. Achievements were limited - Not enough support or funding .