Chapter 3: Theory & Practice Flashcards
Violence as a result of gender dynamics:
Gender-Based Violence
Perceived gender non-conformity or living up to some kind of gender standard in society is why this occurs:
Gender-Based Violence
- Heteronormativity
- Power dynamics
- Oppresson
Gender-Based Violence
Physical, sexual, and psychological:
Intimate Partner Violence
Global public health issue:
Intimate Partner Violence
What is the leading cause of death for pregnant women?
Violence from one person to another:
Unidirectional Violence
A cycle - both a man and a woman engage in acts of violence towards each other:
Bidirectional Violence
What type of violence occurs mainly in the US?
Emphasizes control, power, competition, pain tolerance, and heterosexuality:
Why is sexual violence common on college campuses (2)?
- Everyone is concentrated in one area
- Lots of substance use
Why are gay men victimized the most (2)?
- They are at the bottom of the masculinity pyramid
- Considered a threat to masculinity
Involves repeated, intrusive, intimated behaviors (and cyberstalking/textual harassment):
Water is a ________ concept:
Water, in the greater sense, is a ________ domain:
Systems the public should handle are contracted out to private comapanies:
1in _ Americans get their water from private systems:
- States that water and sanitation are human rights
- They don’t always have the power to enforce this at a global scale
The UN General Assembly in 2010
Water should be owned, managed, conserved, and supplied for the _____ interest:
As of 2023, the death penalty is used in __ countries:
Being gay is criminalized in __ countries:
In 2022, ___ bills were introduced against LGBTQ+ people
All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights:
The UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights
- Not signed in the US
- Reluctance to impose international law on an individual country level
- Hard to enforce because there’s no world police
UN Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women
Recruitment, transportation, or harboring people by threat or use of force for exploitation:
Human Trafficking
Trafficking is mostly ______ or _____ labor:
Forced; bonded
Most trafficking cases happen due to _______; done by someone you ____:
Manipulation; know