Chapter 3 - People In Histoy (A Celtic Druid) Flashcards
Who were the druids?
Acted like pagan priests
How did people become druids?
- druids came from noble families
- had to spend up to 20 years training
- learn by heart the sacred teachings of those that went before them
What was the druids job?
Explaining the work and actions of the gods to people
When would druids offer sacrifices to the gods?
The druids alone could offer sacrifices to the gods. This was done at special festivals or as a way of thanking the Gods for a good harvest or a milk winter. Animals were usually killed at these festivals although humans were sometimes killed. Sometimes the druids threw weapons or bronze and gold objects into lakes and wells to please the gods.
Who was the god of the afterlife?
Who was Daghda?
The god of the afterlife and the most important god
Who was Boann?
The goddess who was believed to be married to Daghda (where the river Boyne gets its name)
Who was Lug?
The god of warriors
Who was Manannán Mac Lir?
The sea God
What were the four main annual festivals?
- Samhain
- Imbolc
- Bealtaine
- Lughnasa
What was the Samhain festival?
- most important festival of the year
- marked the beginning of a new year
- November 1
- believed to be a day of magical happenings
- belonged to no year
- animals brought in from fields for the winter
- animals not needed were often killed for meals on this day
What was the Imbolc festival?
- celebrated on February 1 - St Bridget’s day
- represented the end of winter and the beggining of new growth
What was the Bealtaine festival?
- second most important festival
- bonfires lit and sacrifices made in hope of a good harvest
- the druids would drive cattle between the bonfires before they would pasture - believed that this was an act of protection against disease
What was the Lughnasa festival?
- 1 August
- just as harvest was lifted
- hoped that harvest would be plentiful for the winter
What trees were special?
Oak trees