Chapter 3 - Noise Abatement and Fly Neighborly Flashcards
Residents of the State of Hawaii are extremely noise sensitive. The noise abatement program is
developed to minimize aircraft noise impact on and near the installation and within the local flying area. Noise abatement and fly neighborly program is designed to minimize annoyance to persons, livestock and
game preserve animals when missions and safety are not adversely affected.
Pilots will avoid unnecessary overflight of populated areas as well as single houses. Public acceptance of our flight operations is essential. In order to gain public trust, all pilots must be sensitive to the concerns of the surrounding communities.
The 25th CAB Standardization Pilot (SP) will designate noise sensitive areas based on the number of complaints received by the Division Public Affairs Officer. The 25th CAB will provide Wheeler Airfield
Manager with updates, necessary graphics the master map, and present any changes to the noise sensitive
areas at the AOB meetings.
General Noise Abatement Policy
This publication will not capture every noise sensitive area.
It is the pilot in command’s/aircraft commander’s responsibility to verify published noise sensitive areas on the DoD FLIP along the route of flight or areas where mission will be executed.
It is the pilot in command’s responsibility to avoid overflight, when able, of civilian living areas and wildlife below 1,500 FT AGL and within 1,500 feet laterally.
Aircraft conducting external load missions will avoid overflight of builtup/ populated areas.
The exception is the potential for firefighting operations in support civil authorities.
Overflight of designated noise sensitive areas below 1,500 feet AGL and 1,500 feet lateral is prohibited unless directed by other publications (DoD FLIP, et cetera). Aircraft should consider increasing altitude if
flying in formations greater than two.
Units will update maps of all designated noise sensitive areas for the island of Oahu based on this document (LFR), FAA maps/charts, and other associated documents and ensure the most accurate
information is available. Pilots may deviate altitude when adhering to:
Published routes and the altitudes per DoD FLIP
Published routes and altitudes as directed by ATC
When conducting flights in support civilian MEDEVAC and firefighting agencies.
As required for safety of flight.
When on a NVD multi-ship flight conducted over unpopulated areas (examples: Moloka’i, Hawai’i,
and Kaua’i/PRMF) that will be executed at terrain flight altitudes:
The route(s) must be reconnoitered during daylight at the altitude to be flown NVD. The route(s) must a have a minimum of 2,000 feet lateral clearance from any populated or posted noise sensitive areas and a minimum of 1,000 feet lateral clearance from any single dwelling.
Minimum NVD mission altitude will be 500 feet AGL. Approval authority for these NVD formation flights will be no lower than Battalion /Squadron Commander.
Overwater tactical flights may be conducted at less than 1,000 feet MSL when flown further than ¼
nm from the shoreline
Aircraft transitioning along shorelines will remain a minimum of 1/4 nautical mile (nm) offshore or
1,000 feet above the highest obstacle (AHO) within 2,000 feet laterally, unless complying with paragraph 3-
5 above.
Intentional flight within 1,500 feet, vertically or laterally, of a whale or whale pod is prohibited by
federal law. If flying below 1,500 feet above the surface and these animals are observed, alter flight path as
to avoid them by 1,500 feet.
No intentional overflight of livestock.
Intentional flight within 1,500 feet, vertically or laterally, of any surface vessel is prohibited unless as
required for shipboard operations.
Operations at WAAF from 2300 HST to 0630 HST daily are restricted to departures, arrivals, and refueling operations (no closed traffic).
The Oahu Forest National Wildlife Refuge contains a few endangered species and is managed by the
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. The refuge is not depicted on a VFR sectional. In accordance with AR 95-1, pilots will avoid this area by remaining outside of the boundaries or overfly above 2,000 feet AGL.
Dillingham Airfield contains a No Hover zone. Pilots will limit time in the No Hover zone to takeoffs or landings.