Chapter 3: Magnetic Properties Flashcards
Magnetic Properties
(Overview: 5 points)
- Consider interation between solid and magnetic field
- Linear response regime
- Distinguish between quasi-bound and free electrons
- Quasi-Bound: magnetic properties are that of lattice atom
- Free: magnetic properties described by Fermi statistics
Macroscopic Quantities
- Consider insulting solid (i.e. no shielding currents) exposed to magnetic field

Macroscopic Quantities
(Magnetization and Magnetic Susceptibility: 2 points)
- External field leads to magnetization M

Macroscopic Quanities
(Magnetic Moment: 2 points)
- Classically given as (see below)
- When current due to single electron, I = -e/T with T = 2πr /v

Macroscopic Quantities
(Magnetic Moment [Bohr Magneton]: 2 points)
- Consider Bohn quantization of orbital momentum L = movr ≡ (\hbar) → Bohr magneton

Macroscopic Quantities
(Magnetic Moment [For Solid])

Macroscopic Quantities
(Magnetic Permeability)

Macroscopic Quantities
(Local Magnetic Field Hloc: 4 points)
- Similar as for local electric field
- Demagnetization field HN = -NM
- Lorentz field HL = M /3
- HL very small in para-/diamagnetic material because χ << 1
Macroscopic Quantities
(Demagnetization and Stray Field [Consider]: 2 points)
- Thin disk of ferromagnetic material
- Homogenous mangetization along normal of disk N = 1
Macroscopic Quantities
(Demagnetization and Stray Field [Take-Away]: 4 points and diagram)
- M induces B
- Inside disk: demagnetization field HN = B /µo - M
- Outside disk: stray field Hs = B /µo
- Amperes law only holds if Hs and HN in opposite directions

Macroscopic Quantity
(Magnetostatic Self-Energy: 4 points)
- Magnetostatic self-energy Em arises between each atomic magnetic moment interacts with the magnetic field create by all other moments in solid
- Energy of one magnetic moment µ in Hloc is Eµ = -µoµHloc
- Integrate over entire volume to get total self-energy (see below)

Microscopic Theory of Magnetic Properties
(Diamagnetic Solids: 2 points)
- Hext = 0 → no magnetic moments
- Hext > 0 → finite magnetization from induced magnetic moment opposite to applied field M = χdiH for χdi < 0
Microscopic Theory of Magnetic Properties
(Diamagnetic Solids [Types]: 6 points)
- Two types
Larmor Diamagnetism:
- atomic diamagnetism in insulator
- magnetic moments due to atoms or tightly bound electrons
Landau Diamagnetism:
- Magnetization of free electrons in metals
Larmor Diamagnetism:
Microscopic Theory of Magnetic Properties
(Paramagnetic Solids: 3 points)
- Magnetic moments even for Hext = 0
- Due to orbital electron motion µL or spin of crystal electrons µS
- Hext > 0 → magnetic moments align with external field M = χpaH with χpa > 0
Microscopic Theory of Magnetic Properties
(Russel-Saunders Coupling: 2 points)
- Orbital momenta couple to total orbital momenum L = ∑ili and spin couple to total spin S = ∑isi
- Total angular momentum given by Russel-Saunders Coupling J = L + S
Microscopic Theory of Magnetic Properties
(Paramagnetic Solids [Types]: 4 points)
Langevin Paramagnetism:
- due to atomic paramagnetism in insulators
Pauli Paramagnetism:
- due to conducting electrons in metals
Microscopic Theory of Magnetic Properties
(Ferromagnetic Materials: 5 points)
- For T < Tc → spontaneous magnetization without external field
- Results from exchange interaction causing spatial ordering of permanent magnetic moments
- Exchange interactions purely quantum mechanical:
- Pauli Principle
- Coulomb interaction
Microscopic Theory of Magnetic Properties
(Langevin Paramagnetism: 4 points)
- Classical description (good for large J)
- Look at thermodynamic value of magnetization M = nV<µz>
- For high Bext → <µz> = µ
- Saturation magnetization Ms = nVµ
Microscopic Theory of Magnetic Properties
(Langevin Paramagnetism [Curie Law])

Microscopic Theory of Magnetic Properties
(Langevin Paramagnetism: diagram)

Microscopic Theory of Magnetic Properties
(Langevin Paramagnetism [QM Curie Law]: 2 points)
- two-level system
- similar description as classical Cure Law (up to factor 1/3)

Para-/Diamagnetism of Metal
(Overview: 3 points)
- Recall: Effect of B-field on free electrons → Landau Diamagnetism
- Add contribution from electron spin → Pauli Paramagnetism

Para-/Diamagnetism of Metal
(Pauli Paramagnetism [Overview]: 2 points)
- Electron spin magnetic µs moment can take two values µs = ±µB
- Magnetization M = (n+ − n-)µB is function of spin-up/-down densities
Para-/Diamagnetism of Metal
(Pauli Paramagnetism [Curie Law]: 6 points)
- Curie-Law M = C /T
- Curie Constant is no longer constant C = C(T)
- Only electrons near EF can respond to field, and this population increases with T
Para-/Diamagnetism of Metal
(Pauli Paramagnetism [More Details]: 3 points + diagram)
- Electron spins respond to Bext (see diagram)
- In thermal equilibrium, chemical potential must be equal → uncompensated spins flip
- Pauli spin susceptibility χP = const.

Para-/Diamagnetism of Metal
(Landau Diamagnetism [Overview]: 2 points)
- To get orbital contribution to magnetization, look at M ∝ ∂F/∂B
- Recall: Energy of electron depends on Bext (i.e. energy of Landau levels)
Para-/Diamagnetism of Metal
(Landau Diamagnetism [Take-Away])
- Landau diamagnetic susceptibility
- χL = −1/3χP(m/m* )2
Para-/Diamagnetism of Metal
(Total Susceptibility: 2 points)
χ = χL + χP
- χL and χP same order of magnitude → metals can be para- or diamagnetic
Cooperative Magnetism
(Overview: 4 points)
- Some materials have spontaneous polarization below characteristic frequency
- Caused by cooperative magnetism
- Finite interactions betewen atomic magnetic moments cause alignment
- Per usual, must distinguish between bound and free electrons

Cooperative Magnetism
(Dipole-Dipole Interaction: 2 points)
- max Edd (≈ 0.1 meV) << kT (≈ 25 meV)
- Dipole-dipole interaction too weak to explain ordering behavior at room temp
Exchange Interaction btwn Localized Electrons
(Exchange Constant: 8 points)
- Energy different between symmetric state (aligned spins) Es and anti-symetric state (opposite spins) Ea gives exchange constant JA = Es - Ea
- Sign determines type of ordering
- JA > 0 → ferromagnetic
- JA < 0 → anti-ferromagnetic
- Can also analyze via potential V(r1, r2) = Vion(r1) + Vion(r2) + Vee(r1, r2)
- Vee(r1, r2) > 0 → favors ferromagnetic behavior
- Vion(r1, r2) < 0 → facors anti-ferromagnetic behavior
- Material behavior depends on which dominates
Exchange Interactions btwn Localized Electrons
(Hubbard Model: 4 points)
- Simple model to describe hopping exchange of electrons
- Hamiltonian consists of two terms
- Hopping: hopping intergral t
- Repulasion: potential energy U

Exchange Interactions btwn Localized Electrons
(Types of Exchange: 7 points + diagram)
Direct Exchange:
- Overlapping orbits (e.g. covalent bonds)
Super Exchange:
- Indirect change via diamagnetic atom (e.g. via O2+ in MnO)
- Considered virtual hopping
Double Exchange:
- Combined hopping of electrons

Exchange Interaction of Free Electron Gas
There exists an exchange hold around free electrons that casues local density to drop in vicinity of free electron
Magnetic Order
(Types: 3 points)
- Ferromagnetism
- Ferrimagnetism
- Anti-ferromagnetism
Magnetic Order
(Stoner Model [Overview]: 5 points + diagram)
- Simplest model for understanding ferromagnetism in metals
- Exchange interaction facors parallel spin alignment
- Some electrons spontaneous redistribute from spin-down to spin-up
- To be spontaneous, redistribution must be energetically favorable
- i.e. decrease in potential energy must overcompensate increase in kinetic energy

Magnetic Order
(Stoner Model [Take-Away]: 3 points)
- Requiring ∆E < 0 → Stoner Criterion
- __When met, spin redistribution is energetically favorable
- Requires high correlation energy U and density of states at EF

Magnetic Order
(Ferromagnetism [Overview]: 5 points)
- T < TC → ferromagnetic
- T > TC → paragmangetic (thermal fluctuations disturb order)
- Second-order phase transition
- Magnetization M discontinuous
- Mangetic susceptibility χ continuous
Magnetic Order
(Ferromagnetism [Mean-FIeld Theory]: 6 points)
- Reduce magnetic moment interaction many-body problem to one-body problem by using effective field BA to account for exchange interaction
- Mean-field constant γ
- Virtual field
- Causes spatial order
- Measuring C, TC allows measurement of γ = TC/C
- Allows measurement of BA >> lab generated fields

Magnetic Order
(Ferromagnetism [Paramagnetic Regime]: 4 points)
- Susceptibility expectation vs reality (see below)
- Curie-Weiss Law
- Θ > TC
- Θ is measure of echange between paramagnetic momens not accounted for in mean-field theory

Magnetic Order
(Ferromagnetism [Susceptibility]: diagram)

Magnetic Order
(Ferrimagnetism [Overview]: 2 points)
- Anti-parallel spins, but not all spins are compensated → spontaneous magnetization
- Exchange constant JAB domiantes → anti-parallel only between A, B sites
Magnetic Order
(Ferrimagnetism [Susceptibility]: 5 points)
- Use near-field approximation
- Two Curie temperatures CA, CB<em> </em>and mean-field constants γAA = γBB = 0
- Critical temperature TC = |γAB|(CACB)1/2
- Susceptibility χ = µo∂(MA + MB)/∂Bext

Magnetic Order
(Ferrimagnetism[Susceptibility]: graph)

Magnetic Order
(Anti-Ferromagnetism [Motivation]: 3 points)
- MnO exhibits new Bragg peaks at low temperature in neutron scattering experiments → suggests double for unit cell
- X-ray scattering shows no new peaks → structure stays the same
- Suggests anti-ferromagnetic order for T < TN
Magnetic Order
(Anti-Ferromagnetism [Neel Temperature]: 5 points)
- Use same near-field appraoch as ferrimagnetism with:
- CA = C<span>B</span> = C
- γAA = γBB < 0
- MA = -MB
- Neel ordering temperature given by

Magnetic Order
(Anti-Ferromagnetism [Paramagnetic Regime]: 2 points)
- T > TN → susceptibility (see below)
- Curie-Weiss Temperature Θ = −|γAB + γAA|

Magnetic Order
(Anti-ferromagnetism [AFM Regime]: 5 points + diagram)
- Consider B perpendicular and parallel to spins
- Perpendicular: χ⊥ = |γAB|-1
- χ||(T=0) = 0
- Increasies toward χ||(T=TN) = χ⊥

Magnetic Order
(Susceptibility [Summary]: diagram)

Magnetic Anisotropy
Experiments show preferred direction of magnetization along easy axis and rejects mangetization along hard axis
Magnetic Anisotropy
(Anisotropy Energy: 8 points)
- Energy required to turn from easy- to hard-axis (see below)
- Due to spin-orbital coupling
- Causes tilted spins
- Due to spin-orbital coupling
- From demanetization tensor N being highly dependent on shape
- Elastic tension and exchange anisotropy at interfaces

Magnetic Domains
(Exp vs Reality: 3 points)
- For T << TC → M = MS
M << MS because of domains
- M<span>domain </span>= MS
M << MS because of domains
Magnetic Domains
(Imaging: 2 points)
Magnetic Force Microscopy:
- Sharp magnetic tip scans magnetic material and responds to magnetic structure of sample
X-Ray Dichroism:
- Compare x-ray absorption spectrum to left- and rightcircularly polarized light
Magnetic Domains
(Stray Fields: 4 points + diagram)
- Magnetic domains reduce stray fields (see below)
- Edge domains minimize stray fields (right-most below)
- Magnetic field energy decreases
- Anisotropy and domain wall energy increases

Magnetic Domains
(Wall Types: 4 points + diagram)
Bloch Wall:
- Magnetization rotates out of the plane of the domain wall
Neel Wall:
- Magnetization rotates in the plane of the domain wall

Magnetization Curve
(3 points + diagram)
- Energy density ∝ area of hysteresis loop
- Beginning of dashed initial-line → reversible domain wall movement
- End of dashed initial-line → irreversible domain wall movement

Magnetization Dynamics
Determine how mangetization responds to external field
Magnetization Dynamics
(Assumptions: 2 points)
- Rigid spin coupling → homogeneous mode q = 0 (λ = ∞)
- Magnetization points along Beff
Magnetization Dynamics
(Out of Equilibrium: 3 points + 2 equations)
- Push magnetization out of equilibrium → system now feels torque τ = vM × Beff → precession of M around Beff
- Can relate angular momentum L to magnetic moment and torque (see below)
- gyromagnetic ratio γ = gµB/(hbar)

Magnetization Dynamics
Landau-Lipschitz equation

Ferromagnetic Resonance
(Overview: 2 points + diagram)
- If Bext oscillates at resonance frequency ωo = γBeff → leads to absorption
- No damping, because resonance condition met M x dtM = -MB1cosθ

Ferromagnetic Resonance
(Spectroscopy: 2 points + plot)
- Measure miscrowave absorption of thin film as function of DC field (see below)
- Can measure gyromagnetic ratio, anisotropy field, damping constant, …

Spin Waves
(Overview: 3 points)
- Recall: So far, considered spin-flip to be minimum excitation (q = 0)
- Now, consider colletive motion of spins with q > 0 → spin-waves emerge
- Angle between spins no longer zero → echange field BA becomes relevant
Spin Waves
Spin waves are quantized quasi-particles
Spin Waves
(Different Modes: 2 points)
- Exchange Mode: small λ → BA domaintes Beff
- Dipolar Mode: large λ → BAni dominates at some point
Spin Waves
(Exchange Modes [Dispersion]: 5 points + 2 equations)
- Case: B = 0 and qa << 1
- Depends on (anti-)ferromagnetism (see below)
- Measure with neutron scattering spectroscopy or Raman spectroscopy
- Decay by Stoner excitations
- Single electron excitations

Spin Waves
(Exchange Mode [DIspersion]: graph)

How to measure magnetic susceptibility χ
(2 points + 2 diagrams)
- Faraday’s (left) Guoy’s Scale (right)