Chapter 3 - Life Tables, Underwriting, and an Introduction to Mortality Analysis Flashcards
Friendly Societies
Early attempts at life insurance were sponsored by friendly societies in the 17th and 18th centuries. Comprised of individuals who banded together for mutual benefit, including providing the for the widows and orphans of decreased members.
Friendly Societies “post death” method
A method of funding death benefits in which each member of the society agreed to pay a specific amount of money when a fellow member died. Society would receive a fee for admin work but the rest would go to the bene - usually family.
Friendly Societies “post death” problems (3)
- Contributions were voluntary and thus the death benefit could not be guaranteed.
- Unless new members were recruited into the society, the size of the group gradually diminished d/t continued deaths and as a results the death benefits decreased
- The number of claims increased each year because the group as a whole was aging. Therefore, the amount each bene rec’d further diminished in proportion to the increase in claims.
Friendly Societies “post death” - coping with problems
“Assessment method” - in which protection was offered for a specific period of time (usually a year) and the necessary money to fund this plan was raised by assessing each member an equal amount in advance. This resulted in the development of life tables.
John Graunt
Credited with the first serious attempt at developing a population life table title “Table of Survivors” [1662]. Based on weekly burial and deaths occurring in London.
Calculation of mortality rates
Life tables are constructed using annual mortality rates tabulated by age, sex, and other factors.
Mortality rates for different ages
Calculated by observing the number of deaths (d[x]) occurring in the population over a specified period of time (an interval, designated by “x”) and determining the number of individuals exposed to the risk of dying during the interval.
Exposure (E[x])
Expressed as the product of the number of individuals who are alive at the beginning of an interval who are exposed to the risk of dying (1[x]) and the duration over which that exposure take place, usually in years. Exposure is almost always expressed as person-years. The interval mortality rate (q[x]) is calculated by dividing the number of deaths occurring during an interval by the corresponding exposure (q[x] =d[x]/E[x])
Mortality rates are typically annual mortality rates.
Number of individuals alive at the beginning of an interval (x) who are exposed to the risk of dying.
Number of during an interval.
Exposure during an interval or
(person exposed to risk of dying)(duration of interval exposure) or
(1[x])(interval duration), usually expressed “in person’ years”
interval mortality rate, or
deaths/exposure, or
Life insurance pricing
Based on monetary cost of death claims therefore monetary amounts of claims instead of the number of deaths and substitute the total monetary amount of insurance in force for exposure, since this is the total monetary sum that is “exposed to the risk” of being paid out as claims.
Viatical and elder life settlement companies
Purchase life insurance policies from policyholders for sums somewhat greater than the policies’ accumulated cash values. When the insured dies, the viatrical or life settlement company received the death benefits. This avoid the policy from lapsing and can lead to an overestimated lapse rates by insurance companies when setting their pricing assumptions.
Some types of life tables
- Population
- Period
- Cohort
- Insured lives life tables
Population life tables
based on death rates calculated for large segments of the population without regard to individual health, socioeconomic, or employment status.
Often segments by sex, race, and residence.
Period (i.e., current) life tables
Death rates are calculated from data collected over a relatively short period (1 - 3 yrs) and therefore the data is more reliable to the middle of that period. Since the tables reports death rates observed at each age over a relatively short period of time, period tables depict the death rates for a large number of birth cohorts (groups). I.e., deaths from 1989 - 1991, white males, ages 40-41 and 50-51.
The assumption should be that 10 yrs those who were 40-41 would have the same ratio as those 50-51 10 yrs prior.
Cohort (generation) life tables
Reports the actual death rates for a group, or cohort, of individual born around the same time. These tables accurately report the historical death rates for a birth cohort up to the time the table was created.
Variety of insured lives life tables including
- Select and ultimate (also known as basic) tables
- Annuity tables
- Group life tables
- Pension life tables
- Standard and ordinary life tables (Commissioners, Standard Ordinary or CSO Tables)
- Disabled life tables
Insured Lives Life Tables - Basic tables
The mortality of individuals who purchased life insurance at standard or better rates. Usually represent a greater proportion of persons from higher socioeconomic groups and lower proportion of disabled persons w/ ill health. Non-tobacco select mortality rates substantially lower than those in the general population.
Basic tables - select period
After policy issue during which the effect of underwriting continues to result in lower death rates compared to the entire pool of policyholders. Death rates immediately following policy are usually the lowest and gradually rise as the underwriting effectiveness wears off
Ultimate Rates
The death period following a select period. Often it is assumed underwriting no longer conveys a benefit after 20-25 yrs.
I.e., during the ultimate period, the beneficial effect of underwriting and socioeconomic status usually results in mortality rates below those for the general population.
Basic table as cohort table
The annual death rates are the death rates experienced by a cohort of individuals purchasing insurance at the same age.
Individual annuity tables
Typically have the lowest mortality rates of any insured lives mortality. Represent the mortality expected for holders of annuity products, the because of their features, as known to attract healthy person having the greatest longevity. I.e., live long enough that the cost of buying the annuity is worthwhile.
Group life tables
Aggregate life tables because little, if any, individual underwriting is done. Typically have mortality rates of a par with or slightly higher than individual select and ultimate tables. Requirement that they be actively employed
Social Security or pension life table
Typically have a higher mortality rates that are close to, but somewhat less than, population rates because selection is limited to the requirement that persons eligible for social security or pension must have been actively employed at some point.
Standard and ordinary tables
CSO Tables
Used by valuation actuaries to set policy reserves and determine basic tables. Usually more conservative d/t the addition of loadings to the underlying basic tables.
The level of mortality reflected in these tables is on par with that of social security and pension life tables.
Disabled Lives Life Tables
Reflect mortality rates of persons no longer able to work because of a disability. Mortality rates in these tables are somewhat higher than general population mortality rates.
Relative mortality rates in various life tables compared to population mortality
Annuity, Individual Lives -> 20-40% Select and Ultimate -> 40-60% Non-tobacco -> 30-50% Tobacco -> 50-80% Group, Individual Life and Annuity -> 40-60% Social Security (Pension) -> 85-95% CSO -> 85-95% Population -> 100% Disabled Lives -> 120-140%
How to change mortality rates in insured life tables to mortality rates in clinical mortality studies
Often done by assuming that the death rate, expressed as deaths per $1000 insured person per year, is equal to the annual cost of insurance expressed as premium per $1000 of life insurance overage per year plus an additional amount (load) for expenses and profit.
Major difficulty encountered when converting clinical mortality
Stems from the difference between the characteristics of the population in clinical studies and of those who purchase life insurance. Those entering clinical studies are usually not selected by factors such as age, socioeconomic status, risk factors, and comorbids, or age.
Therefore results of clinical studies cannot be translated directly to those seen in the insured population.
Solution to converting clinical mortality
Mortality rates observed in the clinical population having the impairment in question should first be compared to the mortality rates in another population matched as closely as possible in other respects to the population with the impairment.
In this method, an excess death rate is first calculated using the relationship of observed to expected mortality, in which the expected mortality is the mortality rate in a comparison population closely match to the population having the impairment, except for the presence of the impairment itself.
The excess death rate (edr)
Can be used to calculate the amount of extra premium (flat extra premium of FE) the must be charged on an annual basis to cover the excess mortality risk (where extra premium equals the edr plus some additional load for overhead and profit).
Edr can also be compared to select insured lives mortality rates to calculate select relative mortality ratio from which a table rating can be derived.
Base pricing assumptions
Reflect mortality expected for individual who are in good health and who are free from impairments that would be expected to increase their risk of dying.
Can be subdivided to reflect mortality expected amount various classes of better risk (preferred pricing)
The excess mortality risk of impairment resulting in offers of insurability at substandard rates is commonly expressed in 2 ways
- Excess death rate (edr)
2. Relative mortality ratio (rmr)
Express Death Rate
The difference in death rates observed in the population having the impairment compared to the death rates expected in an otherwise matched population without the impairment.
Observed death rate is designated as “q”
Expected death rate is designated as “q’”
Therefore edr = q - q’
In insured lives studies q’ represents the baseline mortality assumption.
Relative Mortality Ratio (aka mortality multiples)
Ratios between observed mortality rates (q) and expected mortality rates (q’). Thus rmr =q/q’.
Relative mortality ratios form the basis of a classification system for rating substandard mortality risks in which a “table” of excess mortality risk represents a 25% increase in risk over the expected standard mortality risks,
Substandard Ratings
Pricing varies by the nature and severity of the impairment or risk factor. Ideally, substandard rates would be derived from an analysis of insured liver mortality experience similar to that used to set standard premium rates. For this to work, a sufficient number of individual with that impairment would need to be followed until death.
Therefore many companies share their mortality data on substandard issues to create pooled date for inter-company mortality studies.
Table Ratings
The pattern of extra premium charges should mirror the pattern of excess mortality risk. Thus, if the excess mortality risk increased with each duration that the policy remains in force, a table rating can be the most appropriate way to charge the extra premium necessary to cover that excess mortality cost.
Flat Extra Premium
If the excess mortality risk is thought to remain constant, then a flat extra premium is commonly changed in addition to the standard premium. (i.e., occupation, avocation, or foreign travel related risks.
Temporary Flat Extras
Special circumstance in which excess mortality risk decreases with time.
Temporary Flat Extras - strategy objectives
- Postponement period avoids assuming speculative risks during the earliest durations when the mortality is very high.
- A finite period over which a more modest temporary flat extra premium is charged allows most individuals to purchase insurance at affordable prices when the risk has diminished to more predictable levels. This minimizes the anti-selection risk that would otherwise result if the cost of covering all durations of risk were so expensive that only individuals with high mortality risks (who could not obtain coverage elsewhere) purchased insurance.
- Returning to standard pricing at the later duration is designed to minimize the anti-selection that would otherwise result from selective lapsation, if extra premium were charged beyond the time when the mortality risk had returned to baseline levels.
Annuity life tables
A type of insured lives’ life table tabulating the mortality rates of individuals who have purchased annuities. Consider to represent the lower mortality rates among insured lives.
Basic Life tables
Also known as select or ultimate tables. A type of insured lives’ life table tabulating the death rates for individuals who purchased insurance at standard or better (preferred) rates. Subdivided by tobacco use and by select and ultimate periods
Cohort (generation) life table
A type of life table tabulating the year-to-year death rates for a group (cohort) of individuals born around the same time (e.g., same year).
Disabled lives life table
A life table tabulating the mortality rates of persons no longer able to work due to a disability.
Flat Extra rating
A method used in underwriting to account for extra (substandard) mortality risk by charging constant extra premium in addition to the base (standard) premium.
Period (current) life tables
A life table tabulating death rates for a particular period of time for individuals of different ages at the time of mortality data was collected (different birth cohorts).
Population life table
A life table tabulating death rates for large segments of the population without regard to individual health, socioeconomic status, or employment status.
Select Factors
Scalar factors applied to life tables to reduce projected mortality rates to levels thought to be attractive to potential life insurance buyers while remaining achievable through the combination of target market selection, underwriting, and anticipated secular (general population) mortality improvements.
Select period
The periods from life insurance policy issue to the time at which the effects of underwriting has been assumed to no longer be effective in selecting standard or better risks from among the entire pool of insured persons. Often considered to be about 20-25 years.
Social security (pension) life tables
A type of population life table tabulating the mortality rates of individuals who were actively employed at some time.
Standard and ordinary life tables
Aggregate insured lives’ life tables in which select and ultimate mortality rates are combined to arrive at aggregate death rates fro each age, thus ignoring most of the effect of selection resulting from underwriting. Death rates in such a table are somewhat higher (more conservative) than those in the basic select and ultimate tables.
Table ratings
A method used in underwriting to account for extra (substandard) mortality risk by charging extra premium based on a multiple of the base (standard premium).
Ultimate period
The period after the select period during which the effect of underwriting is assumed to no longer be effective in selecting standard or better risks from the entire pool of insured persons. Often considered to be the period beyond 20-25 yrs after underwriting.
Interval deaths -> The number of deaths occurring during the interval, x to x+1
** d[x] = 1[x+1] -1[x]-w[x]
Interval probability of death -> Probability of death during the interval, x to x+1
** Number of deaths occurring during the interval, divided by the interval exposure, d[x]/E[x]
Interval probability of survival -> Probability of survival during the interval, x to x+1
** 1-q[x], also P[x]/P[x+1]
Interval excess death rate -?> Excess death rate during the interval, x to x +1. It is the observed death rate less the expected death rate during interval x. Usually expressed as the number of extra deaths per 1000 individuals exposed to the risk of dying during the interval, x
** edr = 1,000(d[x]-d’[x]/E[x]) = q[x]-q[x]’
Interval mortality ratio -> The ratio of the observed death date (q) to the expected death rate (q’) during interval x.|
** mr[x] =q[x]/q[x]’
Number of lives entering interval x -> Number of individuals exposed to the risk of dying at the beginning of interval, x. It is equal to the number of individuals entering the previous interval (x-1) less the number of individuals withdrawn or lost to follow up and the number of individuals dying during the previous interval
** 1[x] = 1[x-1]-w[x-1]-d[x-1] and 1[x+1] = 1[x]-w[x]-d[x]
Average number of individuals alive during the interval, x -> The average number of individuals alive during the interval is equal to the number of individuals entering the interval less half of those dying during the interval.
** L[x] -1[x]-0.5(d[x])
Number of withdrawals during interval x -> Number of individuals entering an interval who withdraw form the studying during the interval, x. In the practice w[x] usually also includes those lost (untraced) to follow up (u[x]) during the interval.
Exposure in (person x years) -> Number of individuals exposed to the risk of dying during the interval, x. Exposure is calculated by multiplying the number of persons entering interval by the duration they are exposed to the risk of dying. Since the length of an interval is usually taken to be one unit long (e.g., usually 1 year) and since those withdrawing or lost to follow-up are considered to have withdrawn at the midpoint of the interval, their contribution to the overall interval exposure is 1/2 of those remaining in the study. ** E[x] = (1[x])(interval duration) E[x] = 1[x](interval duration) w[x](one half the interval duration) Ex = 1[x]-w[x](0.5)
Interval, as in p[x] or q[x] -> Interval one of a series of successive period of time during which mortality is studied.
Expected, as in p[x]’ or q[x]’ -> The expected probability of survival (p[x]’) or death (q[x]’) during the interval, x. Expected probabilities of survival or death are usually taken from a life table.
Aggregate annual average interval as in: \_\_\_ \_\_\_ p[x] or q[x] The averal annual probability of survival or dying over the interval x to x+n/ ** SEE equation in textbook **
Geometric annual average as in geometric annual average probability of death or survival
v v
(q[x]) (p[x])
** SEE equation in textbook **
Cumulative (overall) deaths from beginning of the study to end of the interval of interest.
Cumulative (overall) probability of death from beginning of the study to end of interval of interest|
Cumulative (overall) probability of survival from beginning of the study to end of interval of interest.