Chapter 3: Leadership Theories and Styles Flashcards
Trait Approach
States that leaders are endowed with superior, unique, or inherent qualities, or naturally occurring tendencies, differentiating them from followers
Behavioral Approach
Focuses on leader’s observable behaviors that influence followers to commit their actions to meet the specified task requirement of leader
Power-influence Approach
Studies influence processes between leaders and other when leader centered causality when they direct and followers act on the direction
Situational Approach
The demand that determines who will emerge as a leader for any given situation
Integrative Leadership Approach
Includes more than a single variable of theoretical study, often combining more than two theories
Basically a mixture
What did Bernard M. Bass do?
Conducted a mega study using fifty-two organizational surveys. He identified trait factors that appeared three or more times in any one organizational survey identifying a comprehensive list of traits used by organizational leaders. Also highlighted in Bass’s work is whether the leader or employee possesses one or more specific traits that lend to or detract from achieving organizational success
Path-Goal Theory
The leader reinforces change in a follower or subordinate by providing or showing the follower the “PATH” to the rewards available
What does Gary Yuki say about the power-influence approach from this chapter?
He states that the desired outcome of power for effective leaders indicates a reliance on their personal power more than on position power. Personal power includes expert and referent power, yet the more effective leader are identified with using expert power more than referent power and as having a moderate amount of position power in the organization
Position Power
Includes potential influence derived primarily from the opportunities inherent in a person’s position in the organization or from attributes of the leader and leader-follower relationship
Five types of position power
- Legitimate
- Reward
- Information
- Coercive
- Ecological
Personal Power
Includes potential influence derived from the leader’s task expertise and potential influence based on friendship and loyalty to the leader from the led
Two types of personal power
- Expert
- Referent
Autocratic leadership
Decisions are communicated directly by the leader to the subordinate by writing or articulation. The leader possesses a lot of power over employees
Span of control
The number of subordinates is directly reporting to a leader or manager
Charismatic leadership
Can resemble transformational leadership because leaders inspire enthusiasm in their teams, articulate a unique vision, and are energetic in motivating the core of their followers to move toward a desired end state. This ability is viewed as exceptional by followers and is what creates excitement and commitment to the leader’s far-reaching goals