Chapter 1: Intro to Leadership, Management, and Fellowship Flashcards
Describe the nature and role of leadership and charisma
- Personality
- Induces follower or subordinate compliance
- Exercises personal influence to achieve motivation and interaction in others
- Possesses particular behaviors
- Involves persuasion and power relationships
- Goal oriented
Leaders influence, care, inspire, and have trust from their employees/subordinates. With charisma, it makes this process easier.
There’s different definitions depending on the organization’s structure and mission.
- Influence a person or group of followers by using charismatic inspiration and earn their trust by setting an example of selfless sacrifice and care that motivates the followers into achieving an individual or group goal in pursuit of the organization’s vision
What is the type of environment leaders should create?
Caring and trusting environment
What is the impact on team members that leaders should have?
They inspire others by demonstrating a selfless attitude through personal sacrifice, setting an example for others to aspire to
How do leaders get others to understand a common goal?
By being influential. They influence the cognitions and behaviors of others to illicit a motivating action that leaders followers to achieve a goal
Leadership Art
The application of effects and understanding of behavioral and leadership sciences to one or more employees and other organizational stakeholders in order to influence the attainment of an organizational goal or objective
Managerial Science
Skill sets leaders attain over the course of their professional development that are learned in administrative management or business management studies
What are some areas of study for managerial science?
- HR
- Accounting/finance
- Sales/customer service
- Operations
- Logistics
- Marketing
- Information technology
What is the difference between leadership art and managerial science?
Managerial science is a skill set, it is a definite, while leadership art is the application, it’s the how, can be interpreted many diff ways.
Conceptual Art
The ability to develop a long-term strategy by understanding management science and synchronizing many management activities to attain results at the decisive time and place of the leader’s choosing (creating a synergistic effect for the organization)
What is charisma?
Somebody who has “it”. Kinda has the power to make you do what they want or follow along.
What are common charismatic leadership traits?
- Expressive behavior
- Self-confidence
- Self-determination
- Insight
- Freedom from internal conflict
- Eloquence
- High energy level
- CON: May be narcissistic
Expressive behavior
Manifests itself in nonverbal emotional expressiveness or cues to move, inspire, or captivate others. Related to the dramatic lair and experience in acting and politics
Examples of Expressive behavior
- Have a need for exhibition and dominance
- Use a tone of voice that is engaging and captivating
- Use relaxed but animated facial expressions
- Maintain direct eye contact, which has a magnetic attraction
- Use expressive cues such as rate and fluency of speech, outward-directed gestural fluency and smiles, and cues of body emphasis, contact with the body and inward-directed gestures
- AKA hand gestures & facial expressions
Display complete confidence in the correctness of their positions and in their capabilities and make this confidence a clear aspect of their public image
Examples of Self-confidence
- Have elevated self-esteem, which helps to avoid defensiveness in conflicting interpersonal situations and to maintain the confidence that their subordinates have in them
- Tend to project onto like-minded loyal followers their continuing confident opinions of themselves so that they become larger than life
- Present themselves as miracle workers who are likely to succeed when others would fail
Have the personal attributes of purpose, power, and extraordinary determination that set them apart from ordinary people
Example of Self-determination
- Strong personal inner direction
- Originality in thought
- Sense of duty to others and the organization
- Responsible and accountable for the unique self
- Concerned with the future and create a unique vision that includes new values and goals
Can arouse others through articulation feelings of need among followers and find radical solutions to their problems
Example of Insight
- Provide insight into the needs, values, and hopes of followers with an ability to build on them through dramatic and persuasive word and actions
- Have the ability to conceptually develop and articulate goals that focus people out of their preoccupation
- Can unite and motivate people to achieve goals and objectives
- State things publicly that followers feel privately but are unable to express
- Experience
Freedom from Internal Conflict
Maintain their confidence and determination, despite serious setbacks and defeats, through a self-assurance that is consistent with their self-image
Examples of Freedom from Internal Conflict
- Confidence and determination stem from their greater freedom from the internal conflict that other are more likely to experience between their emotions, impressions, and feelings
- Are convinced of the goodness, rightness, and importance of their own points of views
- Likely to more forthright and candid in reprimanding subordinates and can maintain a clear conscience if they feel they must replace them
- Do things in line with moral code
Have an emotional flair for expressive language, and even though they may not write the work, they are effective in expressing it
Examples of Eloquence
- Use high-action verbs, short pauses between phrases and sentences, and reiteration in their speeches
- Create messages that are simple and focus on the collective identity of the speaker and the audience
- Evoke a response from the audience
Activity and Energy Level
A high energy level, are caring and optimistic, and have a capacity to inspire loyalty
Example Activity and Energy Level
Take a more active role and significantly stronger actions than non-charismatic leaders
Dark Side of Charismatics’ Self-Determination
Can be highly self-oriented narcissists who are concerned with themselves rather than involved with others and oriented in ideas for their own sake rather than for material gain
Examples of Dark Side of Charismatics’ Self-Determination
- Obstinate
- Closed minded
- Dogmatic
- Rigid
- Do not think they need to develop
- Regard differences of opinion as counterproductive
Difference between leadership and management
All leaders are managers, but not all managers are leaders. Leaders are competent managers and are involved in neither professional activities as well as developing long-range goals and the organization’s vision. Management involves the direction of day-to-day activities with more of an operational short-term focus. Management is task and process focused while leading is broader in focus and more people oriented
Describe the types of required activities that are common to most managerial and administrative positions
Management Planning
Management is focused on the day-to-day actions of the organization and on short-term planning results
Management Performance
Managers focus on maximizing individual and team performance in their particular section to ensure that their part of the organization is effective and efficient in performing their mission for the organization
Management Styles
Managers use transaction-based relationships in a top-down direct authority relationship with employees to attain routine and repetitive short-term goals provided by specific missions, objectives, and goals
Demands greater awareness of the big picture than managing
Leadership Planning
Leadership focuses on the long-term vision and mission adhering to a well-defined strategic and operational concept developed by the leader’s executive team
Leadership Performance
Leaders are change agents for systems and articulate the concept and vision to employees
Leadership Styles
Leadership involves using the leader-follower relationship to influence and achieve the long-term strategic objectives
A practical approach to problems and affairs that related to matters of fact
Transformational Leadership
Asks followers to transcend their own self-interests for the good of the group, organization, or society; to consider their longer-term needs to develop themselves rather than their needs of the moment; and to become more aware of what is important
An employee who acknowledges the specified leader or manager who provides the guidance, direction, and purpose of an organization or group to accomplish a specified task or project
Is someone who supports and is guided by another person
Someone whose primary work activity is directed and evaluated by a specified task or project
Someone in a position of less power or authority than someone else; his or her primary work activities are controlled, directed, and evaluated by a leader or manager who is given authority over the subordinate
A person employed by another for wages or salary and in a position below the executive level
Connotes a valued relationship between the led and a specific leader where the subordinate is empowered to perform specific organization activities
Personality Characteristics of Followers
- Effective communicator
- Proactive/Takes initiative
- Good social skills
- Cooperates/Team player
- Responsible
- Flexible
- Honest/Credible
- Committed
- Competent/Knowledgable