Chapter 3 – Key Concepts Flashcards
What is the determinant of a matrix? (cofactor expansion on the first row)
For n ≥ 2, the determinant of an n×n matrix A = [aij] is the sum of n terms of the form ±a1j det A1j:
det A = a11 det A11 - … + (-1)n+1 a1n det A1n
= ∑ (-1)1+j a1j det A1j
What is the cofactor expansion form of the determinant of A across the row i? What about down the column j?
det A = ai1 Ci1 + … + ain Cin
= a1j C1j + … + anj Cnj
where Cij is the (i, j)-cofactor given by: Cij = (-1)i+j det Aij
If A is a triangular matrix, what product gives det A?
The product of the main diagonal entries gives det A.
If A is a square matrix, determine the relationships between det A and det B:
a. If a multiple of one row of A is added to another row to produce a matrix B.
b. If two rows of A are interchanged to produce B.
c. If one row of A is multiplied by k to produce B.
a. det A = det B
b. det A = - det B
c. det B = k det A
What is the determinant of an invertible matrix A in terms of its echelon form U? What about the determinant of a non-invertible matrix A?
For A invertible, det A = (-1)r (product of pivots of U), where r is the number of row interchanges required to convert A to U.
For A not invertible, det A = 0
If a square matrix A is invertible, what must be true about its determinant?
det A ≠ 0
If A is an n×n matrix, what is the relationship between det A and det AT?
det AT = det A
If A and B are n×n matrices, evaluate det AB.
det AB = (det A) (det B)
What is Cramer’s rule?
Let A be an invertible n×n matrix. For any b ∈ ℝn, the unique solution x of Ax = b has entries given by:
xi = det Ai(b) / det A, i = 0, … n, where Ai(b) = [a1 … b… an] where b is at column i.
What is the inverse formula for a square matrix A. i.e. what is A-1 in terms of adj A and det A?
A-1 = (1 / det A) adj A, where adj A = [[C11 … Cn1] … [C1n … Cnn] ] where []’s are rows of the matrix A.