Chapter 2 – Key Concepts Flashcards
Let A, B, and C be matrices of the same size, and let r and s be scalars. Evaluate the following w/ matrix algebra rules:
a. A + B
b. (A + B) + C
c. A + 0
d. r(A + B)
e. (r + s)A
f. r(sA)
a. A + B = B + A
b. (A + B) + C = A + (B + C)
c. A + 0 = 0
d. r(A + B) = rA + rB
e. (r + s)A = rA + sA
f. r(sA) = (rs)A
If A is m×n and B is n×p with B consisting of the columns [b1 … bp] then what is the product AB?
AB is the m×p matrix whose columns are given by [Ab1 … Abp]. That is, A [b1 … bp] = [Ab1 … Abp].
Each column of AB is a linear combination of what?
Every column of AB is a linear combination of the columns of A with weights given by the corresponding column of B.
What is the row-column rule for computing AB?
The element of AB in the ith column and jth row is given by:
(AB)ij = ai1b1j + … + ainbnj
What is the relationship between the ith row of AB and the ith row of A?
rowi(AB) = rowi(A) B
Let A be m×n and B and C have sizes that allow for the given multiplication to be defined. Then evaluate the following:
a. A(BC)
b. A(B + C)
c. (B + C)A
d. r(AB) for r ∈ ℝ
e. ImA and AIn
a. A(BC) = (AB)C
b. A(B + C) = AB + AC
c. (B + C)A = BA + CA
d. r(AB) = (rA)B = A(rB)
e. ImA = AIn = A
Evaluate the following in terms of matrix algebra:
a. AB vs BA
b. AB = AC vs. B = C
c. AB = 0 vs. A or B = 0
In general…
a. AB ≠ BA
b. AB = AC does not mean B = C
c. AB = 0 does not mean A = 0 or B = 0.
Evaluate: Ak for k ∈ ℝ.
Ak = A … A (k times)
Evaluate the following:
a. (AT)T
b. (A + B)T
c. (rA)T
d. (AB)T
a. (AT)T = A
b. (A + B)T = AT + BT
c. (rA)T = r(AT)
d. (AB)T = BTAT
The transpose of a product of matrices is what?
The product of the transposes in reverse order.
What does it mean for A to have an inverse A-1?
There exists some matrix such that:
AA-1 = A-1A = I
Say A = [[a b], [c d] ]. If ad-bc ≠ 0, what is A-1?
What if ad-bc = 0?
A-1 = (1 / (ad-bc)) [[d -b], [-c a] ]
If ad-bc = 0, then A is not invertible.
What is the determinant of a 2×2 matrix A?
If A = [[a b], [c d] ], then det(A) = ad-bc
If A is an n×n invertible matrix, then what must be true about the equation Ax = b for each b ∈ ℝn?
The equation Ax = b has the unique solution x = A-1b for all b ∈ ℝn.
Evaluate the following:
a. (A-1)-1
b. (AB)-1
c. (AT)-1
a. (A-1)-1 = A
b. (AB)-1 = B-1A-1
c. (AT)-1 = (A-1)T