Chapter 3: Grade Levels 1-3 Flashcards
Please list three objectives and possible procedures for the category of PERFORMING and READING music.
During the primary grades the student will:
1) Objective: Demonstrate initial understanding of posture and breathing used to promote good sound while singing.
Procedures: Sit or stand with good posture, expand ribs while breathing, sing with a free clear tone, avoiding straining or yelling.
2) Objective: Sing several selected songs expressively.
Procedures: Select ethnic, patriotic, or holiday songs that contain expressive content: pride, affection, fear, surprise, and so on.
3) Objective: Maintain own part in round or partner song.
Procedures: Sing familiar round melody alone and then with another student as a round.
4) Objective: Demonstrate understanding of note values and patterns.
Procedures: Move to music by stepping, skipping, hopping, or running.
5) Objective: Read and play, clap, or chant simple rhythm patterns from notation.
Procedures: Read and clap examples from flash cards, chalkboard, or songbook.
Please list three objectives and possible procedures for the category of CREATING music.
During the primary grades the student will:
1) Objective: Sing or play improvised answers to music phrases.
Procedures: Respond to aural or visual phrase provided by teacher.
2) Objective: Compose short melodic phrases to be played or sung.
Procedures: Use real or invented notation to record; keep compositions in portfolio for future improvement and changes.
3) Objective: Create pieces using nontraditional sounds such as environmental or body sounds.
Procedures: Collect different-pitched objects from a variety of sources and use for basis for new piece.
4) Objective: Invent pieces or organize sequence of familiar pieces to interpret stories or themes.
Procedures: Select story or theme as a group, and then construct music to express ideas and moods using solos, recitative, and chorus.
5) Objective: Create movement to express musical ideas.
Procedures: Select short programmatic piece to demonstrate story or affective response.
Please list three objectives and possible procedures for the category of LISTENING and DESCRIBING music.
During the primary grades the student will:
1) Objective: Hear and discuss selected components of music: Pitch (major/minor, tone center) Duration (fast/slow, long/short, duple/triple) Loudness (loud/soft, crescendo/decrescendo, accent) Form (repeated phrases, contrasting phrases, two-part and three-part form, rondo, canon).
Procedures: Upon hearing pieces selected by teacher for demonstration.
-Identify tonal center singing; distinguish fast and slow, imitate long and short, recognize music in duple and triple time.
-indicate loud and soft through gestures.
-upon hearing repetitions, demonstrate through signaling show formal patterns through icons.
2) Objective: Demonstrate through movement to acknowledge change in pitch.
Procedures: Move hand up and down to indicate interval and step change.
3) Objective: Plan a series of movements or pictures to represent how a given piece sounds.
Procedures: After several teacher-guided listenings, develop plan or map and record it for collections in portfolio.
4) Objective: Identify families of instruments and individuals instruments visually and aurally.
Procedures: Listen to and examine varieties of instruments and discuss timbral and construction differences.
5) Objective: Recognize stylistic characteristics of overall selection.
Procedures: Listen to and identify examples of religious, folk, classical, Spanish, cowboy, Asian, and African-American music.
Please list three objectives and possible procedures for the category of VALUING and music.
During the primary grades the student will:
1) Objective: Discuss why music is personally important.
Procedures: Talk about preferences with guidance from teacher about relating to music concepts.
2) Objective: Select music to listen to with a purpose.
Procedures: Recognize the effect of music on attitude, mood, and enjoyment.
3) Objective: Be willing to work at solving “musical problem”.
Procedures: Exhibit patience and perseverance to perfect personal effort such as compositions, recording, or chant.
4) Objective: Participate spontaneously in music endeavors alone or with groups.
Procedures: Volunteer to play or sing solos and to participate in group activities.
5) Objective: React to lives of well-known composers.
Procedures: Report on appropriate biographical sketches of famous composers; relate anecdotes interesting to age group.