Chapter 3 - General Flight Rules Flashcards
How many hours of crew rest must commanders and supervisors ensure aircrew are provided prior to the beginning of the flight duty period?
202v3 para. 3.1
12 hours
Define crew rest
202v3 para. 3.1
“Crew rest is free time and includes time for meals, transportation, and an opportunity for at least 8 hours of uninterrupted sleep. Crew rest cannot begine until after the completion of official duties. Crew rest is compulsory for aircrew members prior to performingany duties involving aircraft operations and is a minimum of 12 non-duty hours before the flight duty period (FDP) begins.”
What is the definition of interrupted crew rest?
202v3 para. 3.1.2
“Any official business conducted after crew rest.”
May the PIC (or designee) initiate mission-related communication with official agencies without interrupting crew rest?
202v3 para. 3.1.2
What do you do if crew rest is interrupted?
202v3 para. 3.1.2
“If crew rest is interrupted, individuals will immediately inform the PIC or mission execution authority and will either begin a new crew rest period or not perform flight duties.”
Can you have your 12-hour crew rest waived after crew rest has already started?
202v3 para. 3.1.3
No, you must be notified prior to the start of crew rest
If crew rest has been waived, does the PIC have to accept the reduced crew rest?
202v3 para. 3.1.3
When may crew rest be reduced to a minimum of 10 hours by the PIC?
202v3 para. 3.1.4
When 3 or more consecutive days of flight duty periods of at least 12 hours occur
When does the flight duty period being and end?
202v3 para. 3.2.1
When an aircrew member first reports for official duty and ends after the final engine shutdown after the final flight of the completed mission
How long can the PIC extend FDP for unplanned mission delays?
202v3 para. 3.2.2
A max of 2 hours
What is deadhead time?
202v3 para. 3.3
It is an official duty performed by an aircrew member flying as a passenger while on flights orders and may be flown without crew rest
If you are planning to perform flight-related duties after deadhead time, do crew rest restrictions still apply?
202v3 para. 3.3.1
How are deadhead aircrew annotated on the Flight Authorization?
202v3 para. 3.3.3
“as mission essential personnel” (they’re not passengers)
What is the max flying time in 7 consecutive days? in 30 days? in 90 days?
202v3 para. 3.7
56 hours
Does cockpit rest reset required crew rest?
202v3 para. 3.5
When can Controlled Cockpit Rest be accomplished?
202v3 para. 3.5
When “authorized by the MAJCOM and only during non-critical phases of flight.”
For night operations, what must aircrew have?
202v3 para. 3.6.2
An operable flashlight
“Aircrew who require corrective spectacles will carry…?”
202v3 para. 3.7.1
“…a backup set of clear MAJCOM-approved corrective lenses while performing aircrew duties.”
Oxymetazoline/Phenylephrine nasal spray rules
(i.e. AFRIN)
202v3 para.
“may be carried should unexpected ear or sinus block occur during flight. NOTE: Not for treatment of symptoms prior to flight. If used, the member is considered duties not including flying (DNIF) until cleared by flight medicine.”
Are nicotine patches allowed in flight?
202v3 para. 3.11
Rules for cell phones while flying
202v3 para. 3.16.5
“Personnel will turn off the cellular function of devices while airborne… It is also USAF guidance to keep cellular devices off when airborne above a foreign territory. Note: This restriction exists to prevent potential disruption of the cellular ground network. It is unrelated to aircraft operations.”
Can EFBs be used a a PFR?
202v3 para. 3.17.1
Can aircrew hold EFBs in their hands during critical phases of flight?
202v3 para. 3.17.2
Yes, provided that it is operationally neccesary
If an airport has an operating control tower, what must aircrew attain from ATC? For what procedures do they need this for?
202v3 para. 3.18
A clearance.
A clearance is needed “before taxiing, proceeding onto a runway, takeoff or landing”
“If a taxi route requires crossing any runway, pilots will hold short until obtaining specific clearance to cross each runway.”