Chapter 3: Evolution, Biodiversity, and Population Ecology Flashcards
Population or group of populations whose members share characteristics and can freely breed with one another and produce fertile offspring
Group of individuals of a particular species that live in a particular area
Changes in populations of organisms across generations
Natural Selection
The process by which inherited characteristics that enhance survival and reproduction are passed on more frequently to future generations than those that do not
Process of the better genes becoming more apparent in newly born individuals; Also a trait that promotes survival
Accidental change in DNA
Mixing genetic material through sexual reproduction, whole new set of genes
Convergent Evolution
Unrelated species have same traits bc same habitat
Artifical Selection
Selective breeding conducted by humors
Process that generates new species
Imprint in stone of dead organism
What Does Fossil record show?
Life 3.5 billion years; earlier organisms evolved into later ones; number of species increases over time; species living today fraction of all that ever lived; mass extinction episodes
Occuring only at one place of planet
Scientific study of the distribution and abundance of organisms
Commmunities and the abiotic material and forces with which community members interact
Assemlage of populations of interacting species that live in the same area
Main Factors of Population Ecology
Size, Density, Distribution, Sex Ratio, Age Structure, Birth and Death Rates
Density Dependent
Predeation, disease
Density Independent
Temperature extremes, storms
Biotic Potential
Capacity to produce offspring
K selected
Lot of investment in offspring
R selected
No investment, birth as many as you can