Chapter 3 - Ethics'n'Such Flashcards
Through the Code of Ethics, Registered Psychiatric Nurses uphold the values of:
Safe, competent, and ethical practice to ensure the protection of the public;
Respect for the inherent worth, right of choice, and dignity of persons;
Health, mental health, and well-being; and,
Quality practice.
As a competent group leader you will need to consider these 4 issues:
Standards that govern the conduct of professional members
Standards society will tolerate, which are enforced by rule at the local, provincial or federal level
Using your professional judgment to act in accordance with ethical & legal mandates
Include a persons ethnicity, gender, sexuality, religion, values or differences that affect the way we understand and intervene with clients’ problems
Your code of ethic provides you with:
Much needed grounding which connects directly to your structure
T/F It is unethical to practice group counseling without appropriate training
T/F Leaders use groups for their own personal growth.
A relationship that exists in addition to the therapeutic relationship established between the leader and the members.
Dual Relationship
T/F Dual Relationships are entirely avoidable
Dual relatioships should be entered with this and ensure this is done up front.
Caution - acknowledge the relationship up fromt
T/F Exploitative relationships are ethical
FALSE - Unethical
To provide members with adequate information that will allow them to decide if they want to join a group
Informed Consent
Some information to give prospective members re: Informed Consent (4)
Nature of group
Goals of group
Structure of sessions
Expectations of them & leader
The challenge in involuntary membership is to:
Demonstrate the value for group members
T/F Involuntary members won’t want to change.
Psychological risks that leaders must monitor include (6)
Misuse of power Pressure to disclose/violate privacy Confidentiality may be broken Scapegoating may occur Confrontation in an uncaring manner Leader may not have competencies to deal with some situations
The foundation of a working group is rooted in:
With regard to confidentiality, leaders must:
Define parameters of confidentiality including its limitations in group setting
T/F Members must be educated with regard to confidentiality.
Leaders need to discuss these two in regard to confidentiality:
Consequences of breach
Remind of importance
Leaders must give special consideration to these 4 in regard to confidentiality:
Breaches in social media
Ethical & Legal dimensions (Privileged communication)
Multicultural dimensions of confidentiality
Safeguarding the confidentiality of minors in groups
Leaders must be aware of these in how they influence how they think, say & do in groups.
T/F Groups are a forum to impose your values.
Leaders must assist members to find options most congruent with their own…
Group members must be tasked with..
Clarifying their own values
T/F Considerable harm is possible when a leader fails to use a multicultural approach.
Can their be disconnect between group norms and cultural norms?
To promote the empowerment of people who are marginalized and oppressed by society would be counseling of this perspective:
Social Justice Perspective
T/F LGBT populations often have a history of victimization, fear and abandonment
A leader whose values are conflicting with LGBT persons may seek:
Supervision or Consultation
Counselors should create an environment for LGBT persons that allows for:
Voluntary self-identification/disclosure
When another members express disapproval of LGBT members the leader must:
Take an active stance
Ethical concerns also arise in using:
Group Techniques
Leaders might employ techniques unethically if: (4)
Use techniques that are unfamiliar
Use techniques to enhance their power
Use techniques simply to create intensity
Use techniques to pressure members (when they expressed desire to not participate)
5 Legal Safeguards for Group Practitioners:
- Take time to prescreen & prepare clients
- Demystify group process
- Strive to develop collab. relationships w clients
- Consult w colleagues or supervisors when potential legal or ethical concern
- Incorporate ethical standards in practice of group work