chapter 3 - diversity of living organisms Flashcards
State the structure of a virus.
- non-cellular
- core is a strand of genetic material (DNA/RNA)
- core is enclosed in a protein coat, called capsid
- capsid consists of capsomeres
State the arguments that viruses are living organisms.
- viruses are capable of reproduction
- they have genetic material (DNA/RNA)
State the arguments that viruses are not living organisms.
- viruses don;t have a cell structure
- 6 out of the 7 characteristics of living organisms do not apply to them
- they can only reproduce within the cells of the host organism.
Name the 7 characteristics of living organisms.
- movement
- respiration
- excretion
- sensitivity
- growth
- reproduction
- nutrition
What is movement?
an action by an organism or part of the organism causing a change in position or place.
What is respiration?
Organisms are able to break down glucose and other substances inside their cells to release energy.
What is sensitivity?
Organisms are able to detect stimuli in their environment and respond to it approprately.
What is growth?
It is the permanent increase in size, dry mass and the number of cells in an organism.
What is reproduction?
Organisms are able to produce offspring of the same specie as themselves.
What is excretion?
Organisms are able to excrete metabolic waste, waste substances and excess substances from their bodies.
What is nutrition?
Organisms take nutrients from their surroundings and use it for energy, growth and development.
Name the characteristics of the Kingdom Plantae.
- eukaryotic
- have chlorophyll
- cell wall of cellulose
- sexual + asexual
- autotrophic
- multicellular
Name the two classes of the phylum flowering plants (angiosperms).
monocotyledons (one seeds lobe)
dicotyledons (two seed lobes)
State visible external diagnotic features of monocotyledons for:
- seeds
- leaves
- veins
- roots
- flowers
- one seed lobe (cotyledon)
- long, narrow & strap-shaped
- parallel veins
- adventitious/fibrous root system
- multiples of 3
State visible external diagnotic features of dicotyledons for:
- seeds
- leaves
- veins
- roots
- flowers
- 2 seeds lobes (cotyledons)
- broad leaves
- network/branching pattern
- taproot system
- multiplies of 4/5
Name the 4 Phylums of Animalia.
- mollusca
- annelida
- arthropoda
- chordata
Name the characteristics of Animalia.
- multicellular
- eukaryotic
- no cell walls
- no chloroplasts
- muscles + nerves
Name the 4 classes of Arthropoda.
- insecta
- arachnida
- crustacea
- myriapoda
Name the 5 classes of Chordata.
- mammalia
- aves
- reptilia
- amphibia
- pisces
Name the 2 orders of Myriapoda.
Outline the 3 visible diagnostic features of Arthropoda.
- segmented bodies
- jointed limbs
- exoskeleton
Outline the external diagnostic features of Annelida.
- segmented worms
- fixed number of similar segments (metameric
segmentation) - move with bristles, called chaetae
- covered with a non-chitinous cuticle
Outline the diagnostic external features of Mollusca.
- soft, unsegmented bodies
- have a hump covered by a mantle
- mantle secretes a shell
- large muscular foot
- mouth with rasping tongue-like radula
State the 5 classes of vertebrates.
Outline the visible external diagnostic features of Arthropoda.
- they have jointed limbs
- they have segmented bodies
- they are covered with an exoskeleton made
up of chitin.
Outline the visible external diagnostic features of Insecta.
- 3 segments, namely head, thorax & abdomen
- 3 pair of legs
- 2 pairs of wings
- 1 pair of compound eyes
- 1 pair of antennae
Outline the visible external diagnostic features of Crustacea.
- 2 body sections, namely cephalothorax and abdomen
- 5 or more pairs of legs
- 2 pairs of antennae
- exoskeleton hardened by calcium salts
- compound eyes on stalks
- dorsal part of body is covered by hard shields called carapace
Outline the visible external diagnostic features of Arachnida.
- 2 body segments, namely cephalothorax and abdomen
- 4 pairs of legs
- chelicerae with poison
- 8 simple eyes
- leathery exoskeleton
Outline the visible external diagnostic features of Myriapoda.
- 2 body parts, namely head and trunk
- jointed legs
- 1 pair of antennae
- long segmented trunks
- metameric segmentation
Name the 2 orders of Myriapoda.
Outline the visible external diagnostic features of Centipedes.
- flattened bodies
- 1 pair of legs per segment
- 1 pair of long antennae
- carnivorous with poison claws and strong mouths
Outline the visible external diagnostic features of Millipedes.
- rounded bodies
- 2 pairs of legs per segment
- 1 pair of short antennae
- herbivorous with strong mouthparts to eat plants
Name the characteristics of vertebrates.
- have a backbone
- well-differentiated head
- internal skeleton made of bone
Outline the visible external diagnostic features of bony fish (Osteichthyes).
- absorb oxygen through gills covered in operculum
- mouth opening present at anterior tip
- fins for swimming and balancing which are supported by bony rays
- have lateral veins for detecting vibrations
- have thin bony plates (scales) which cover their bodies
Outline the visible external diagnostic features of Pisces.
- limbless
-coldblooded - gills + fins
- marine / freshwater
Outline the visible external diagnostic features of cartilaginous fish (Chondrichthyes).
- absorb oxygen through gills that are exposed by gill slits and are not covered by operculum
- wide mouth opening is in ventral position to underside of body
- have fins for moving forward/backward/turning and is supported by cartilage rods
- skin is covered in tiny tooth-like scales
Outline the visible external diagnostic features of Amphibia.
- smooth, moist skin
- terrestrial animals that breed in water and lay soft jelly-like eggs that hatch into tadpoles with gills
- adults breathe with lungs and use their skin for gaseous exchange
Outline the visible external diagnostic features of Reptilia.
- tough, dry, scaly skin protected by overlapping scales
- terrestrial animals that lay eggs with tough, leathery shells
- have 4 limbs (snakes - no limbs)
Outline the visible external diagnostic features of Aves.
- skin covered by feathers
- feet covered by scales
- toothless beakes
- forelimbs are modified as wings
- they lay hard-shelled eggs with food store (yolk) and calcareous shells
Outline the visible external diagnostic features of Mammalia.
- skin covered by hair or fur
- mammary glands present with milk to feed young
- external earflaps (pinnae)