Chapter 3: Databases Flashcards
- A central repository of information, stored more-or-less permanently on a computer system, that is of interest to some enterprise.
- The heart of an information system, is a collection of all relevant facts organized in a series of integrated files (tables)
Database Management System (DBMS)
- A generalized software tool for manipulating large databases; it provides minimally the capabilities of interrogation and maintenance of the stored data, via a set of languages or user interfaces.
- Is software for creating, storing, maintaining, and accessing database files
- A software program that lets the user create databases and then manipulate the data in the databases
5 Purposes of Database Systems
- Record and organize data
- Maintain (create, delete, modify/update) data
- Interrogation (Questioning/retrieving data)
- Interconnect data
- Security, control, data sharing
Table =
Relation/Record (Multiple records)
Records make up Fields which makes up a File
Row of a table =
- Multiple records create a table
- Record = Makes up a field
Column of a table =
- Made up of records
- Group of fields make up a file
Database file with multiple tabes (all in the same database) interrelated
Primary Key
- Uniquely identifies every record in a database
- Cannot repeat
- Can be foreign key if same field is in another table
Foreign Key
Field in a table that matches the primary key column of another table
Sequential access file structure
Records in files are organized and processed in numerical or sequential order (usually order in which they were entered)
Random access file structure
Records can be accessed in any order
Indexed sequential access method (ISAM)
- Records can be accessed sequentially or randomly depending on number being accessed
- Small company: Random
- Large company: Sequential
Physical View
- One way that information is viewed in a database
- Involves how data is stored and how its retrieved
- Ex: Hard disks, magnetic tapes, or CDs
Logical View
- One way that information is viewed in a database
- Involves how information appears to users and how it can be organized and retrieved
- Usually doesn’t display data (database view)
Data Model
- Determines how data is created, represented, organized, and maintained.
- Usually contains data structure, operations, and integrity (quality/accuracy) rules
Structured Query Language (SQL)
Standard 4th gen query language that consists of several keywords specifying actions to take
Ex: SELECT field FROM table or file WHERE conditions
Query by example (QBE)
- You request data from a database by constructing a statement made up of query forms
- You simply click to select query forms instead of having to remember key words (as with SQL)
- You can add AND (all conditions), OR (one condition), and NOT (no condition) operations to the QBE form to fine-tune the query
- Query = question
Relational Model
- Uses a two-dimensional table of rows and columns of data
- Rows are records, also called tuples
- Columns are fields, also called attributes
Data dictionary
Stores definitions, such as data types for fields, default values, and validation rules for data in each field
- Used to improve database efficiency by:
- > Eliminating redundant data
- > Ensuring that only related data is stored in a table
- Goes through different stages, from first normal form (1NF) to fifth normal form (5NF)
Create, read, update, and delete (CRUD)
Refers to the range of functions that data administrators determine who has permission to perform certain functions
Database administrators (DBA)
- Design and set up databases
- Establish security measures
- Develop recovery procedures
- Evaluate database performance
- Add/fine-tune database functions
- Used in large organizations
Data driven web site
Acts an interface to a database, retrieving data for users and allowing users to enter data in the database
Application generation
Design elements of an application using databases
Data Administration
Backup and recovery, security, change management
Two types: Create, read, update, and delete (CRUD) and Database administrators (DBA)