Chapter 3 - Anatomy Of The Nervous System Flashcards
Brain-body orientation is the “______ ______”
human face
Spatial orientation is the “______ ______ ______”
Other body parts/body orientation
Anatomical orientation is the “______ __ ______” through the brain from perspective of the viewer
Direction of section
“_______” is towards the back
“_______” is towards the stomach
“_______” is towards the front
“________” is towards the rear
“_______” is above another structure
“________” is below another structure
“_______” is towards the side
“_______” is towards the middle
Nerve does “______” equal neuron
Neuron: single neural cell
Nerve: bundle of axons running together (only used in PNS)
What is a tract?
Bundle of axons running together in the CNS
What is a nucleus?
Group of cell bodies in CNS
What is a ganglion?
Group of cell bodies in PNS
The CNS includes what?
Spinal cord
The PNS includes what?
Somatic nervous system
Autonomic nervous system
Enteric nervous system
The somatic nervous system does what?
Transmits sensation, produces movement
Cranial nerves
Spinal nerves
The autonomic nervous system does what?
Balances internal functions
Sympathetic division (arousing)
Parasympathetic (calming)
The enteric nervous system does what?
Controls the gut
What are the 3 types of neurons?
1) motor: commands to muscles/organs
2) sensory: carry info from body —-> brain/spinal cord
3) interneurons: neurons connect one neuron to another in same part of brain/spinal cord
Difference b/w efferent and afferent? (Information)
Efferent: OUT of the CNS
Afferent: INTO the CNS
What are the layers to protecting the brain?
**Dura mater
**Arachnoid membrane
**Pia mater
Subarachnoid space (filled w CSF)
What does the forebrain control?
Highly developed, numerous functions
What does the midbrain control?
Reflex actions and voluntary movements
What does the hindbrain control?
Vital functions and coordinating movements
The cerebral cortex is the “_____ ______” of the frontal lobe
Outer layer
The cerebral hemispheres is the “______, _______ _________” dominating brains appearance
Large, wrinkled structures
Give the definition of these “surface” features…
Cortex: outer surface of brain, cell bodies/neurons
Gyrus: each ridge in surface of brain
Sulcus: groove/space b/w 2 gyri
Fissure: large groove/space b/w 2 gyri
What are the lateral ventricles?
Winged-shaped cavities
Filled w CSF made by interconnected blood vessels
Interior feature of brain
What is CSF?
Cerebrospinal fluid
Suspends the brain, acts as SHOCK absorber
Provides stable environment for function
There are “____” pairs of cranial nerves
Control sensory and motor functions of the head, neck and face
There are “___” pairs of spinal nerves divided into “__” anatomical regions
Cervical, thoracic, lumbar, sacral and coccygeal
What are dermatomes?
Body segments associated with nerve
What is the neuronal circuits as a functional unit?
(Ten principles of NS function)
Neuronal circuits: series of neurons that serve a function when ACTIVATED, connected by synapses
- Monosynaptic: sensory & motor neuron
- Poly synaptic: at least one interneuron present
What is sensory and motor divisions?
(Ten principles of NS function)
Kept SEPERATE throughout the nervous system
Divided in the CORTEX 2 ways:
- Separate sensory and motor cortical region
- Entire cortex is organized around this distinction
What is hierarchical & parallel organization?
(Ten principles of NS function)
Brain has BOTH of these
Proximity & connection often indicate SHARED/SIMILAR function
Why are many circuits crossed?
(Ten principles of NS function)
Because info passes from ONE side of the body to the OTHER
Ex) right motor cortex influences actions on the left side of the body
What are localized and distributed functions?
(Ten principles of NS function)
DAMAGE to one area can INTERFERE w/ a particular function
Any one location is RARELY the only thing in involved in that FUNCTION