Chapter 3 - Amebas Flashcards
- Excystation occurs where?
Ileocecal area of intestine.
- Phylum and subphylum of amoebae?
Phylum Sarcomastigophora
Subphylum Sarcodina
- Replication is accomplished by?
Multiplacation of nucleus via asexual binary fission.
- Conditions that trigger encystation?
Ameba overpopulation
pH change
Food supply
Available oxygen
- Standard microscopic procedures include examination of specimens for amebas using what methods?
Saline wet preparations (motility) Iodine wet preparations (structure) Permanent stains (refractive and invisible structures)
- Amoebae with alternative diagnosis techniques?
Entamoeba histolytica
Naegleria fowleri
Acanthamoeba spp.
- Disease caused by amoeba?
- The only INTESTINAL amoeba considered to be a pathogen?
Entamoeba histolytica.
- Extraintestinal amebas cause symptoms involving areas such as?
Mouth, eye, and brain.
- Class of amebas?
Class Lobosea.
- Examples of intestinal amebas?
Entamoeba histolytica, E. hartmanni,
Entamoeba coli, E. polecki,
Endolimax nana, Iodamoeba bütschlii.
- Examples of extraintestinal amebas?
Entamoeba gingivalis
Naegleria fowleri
Acanthamoeba species.
- Entamoeba histolytica’s common associated diseases or condition names?
Intestinal amebiasis
Amebic colitis
Amebic dysentery
Extraintestinal amebiasis.
- What are chromatoid bars?
Structures (in the nucleus) that contain condensed RNA material.
- What is a diffuse glycogen mass?
A cytoplasmic area without defined borders that is believed to represent stored food. As the cyst matures, it disappears.
- As a result of nuclear division, a single cyst of E. histolytica produces how many motile trophozoites?
- Vectors of E. histolytica?
Flies and cockroaches.
- How many percent of world population is infected by E. histolytica?
- Cold countries with E. histolytica?
Alaska, Russia, and Canada.
- The range of symptoms varies and depends on what factors?
Location of parasite in the host
Extent of tissue invasion.
- Factors responsible for asymptomatic carrier state?
Parasite is low-virulence strain,
Inoculation into the host is low,
Patient’s immune system is intact.
- Medications for asymptomatic E. histolytica-infected individuals?
Diloxanide furoate (Furamide),
Metronidazole (Flagyl).
- Medications for symptomatic intestinal amebiasis?
Iodoquinol, Paromomycin, Diloxanide furoate (Furamide).
- Medications for extraintestinal amebiasis?
Metronidazole (Flagyl) or tinidazole.
- Uncontaminated water is accomplished by?
Boiling, treating with iodine crystals,
Filtration and chemical treatment.
- Who studied the stool of a patient suffering from dysentery?
Loesch (late 1880’s)
*stool-dog-further study
- A nonpathogenic ameba that is morphologically identical to E. histolytica?
Entamoeba dispar.
- Average size (and size range) of E. histolytica trophozoites and cysts?
T: 12-25 um (8-65 um).
C: 12-18 um (8-22 um).
- Average size (and size range) of Entamoeba hartmanni trophozoites and cysts?
T: 8-12 um (5-15 um).
C: 7-9 um (5-12 um).
- Cytoplasmic inclusions of E. histolytica trophozoites?
Ingested RBC’s.
- Cytoplasmic inclusions of E. hartmanni trophozoites?
Ingested bacteria.
- The geographic distribution of E. hartmanni is?
- E. hartmanni was at one time designated as?
“Small race” E. histolytica, because of the many similarities between the two organisms.
- What is a karyosome?
A small mass of chromatin inside a nucleus.
“karyosomal chromatin”
- Average size (and size range) of Entamoeba coli trophozites and cysts?
T: 18-27 um (12-55 um).
C: 12-25 um (8-35 um).
- Cytoplasmic inclusions of E. coli trophozoites?
Vacuoles containing bacteria.
- The morphologic differentiation of E. coli and E. histolytica, as well as their pathogenicity, was not established until when?
The early 1900s.
- Average size (and size range) of Entamoeba polecki trophozoites and cysts?
T: 12-20 um (8-25 um).
C: 12-18 um (10-20 um).
- Cytoplasm (and inclusions) of Entamoeba polecki?
Granular and vacuolated
Ingested bacteria and food particles
- Peculiarities of E. polecki cysts?
One nucleus,
Inclusion mass,
Spherical to oval.
- What is an inclusion mass?
A nondescript oval or round mass, Seen in 50% of E. polecki cysts, Non-glycogen-containing, Elusive and doesn't have defined borders, Makeup is unknown.
- E. polecki is considered what?
A parasite of pigs and monkeys.
- Highest prevalence of E. polecki occurs where?
Where else?
Papua, New Guinea.
Southeast Asia, France, USA
- Note on E. polecki?
All reported cases of E. polecki in USA in 1985 occured in SEA refugees who settled in Rochester, Minnesota.