Chapter 3: Acute Etiologies of Neurogenic Communication Disorders Flashcards
Why are some etiologies called idiopathic?
Compare and contrast how ischemic and hemorrhagic strokes damage the brain.
What are the 3 main forms of ischemic strokes, and how do they differ?
Why is saving the ischemic penumbra a priority for medical professionals?
What are the two main forms of hemorrhagic stroke, and how do they differ?
What is an aneurysm, and why is having one dangerous?
What is a traumatic brain injury? What are some common causes of traumatic brain injury?
How do primary tumors and secondary tumors differ?
How might a benign tumor cause damage to the brain?
What is encephalitis? Gove one example of encephalitis and what its effect on speech, language, or cognition might be.
How might HIV/AIDS affect speech, language, or cognition?
List symptoms of Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease.
What is syphilis, what organism causes this disease, and what are some ways it can affect speech, language, or cognition?
What is a seizure?
Name and describe the 3 primary stages of seizure.
What is the term that describes a state of constant seizure?
How are simple partial seizures and complex partial seizures different?
How are generalized seizures different from partial seizures?
How are tonic-clonic seizures different from petit mal seizures?
Describe how you would assist or help a person experiencing a tonic-clonic seizure.