Chapter 3 Flashcards
Pavlov identified two kinds of reflexes, ______ and ______ reflexes.
conditional // unconditional
Unconditional reflex is an _____ and _______ reflex found in members of a species.
inborn // permanent
Conditional reflex is acquired through ______, relatively _______, dependent on ______.
experience // impermanent // conditions
__________ is the procedure of pairing a neutral stimulus with conditioned stimulus to create a second or subsequent conditioned stimulus.
Pavlovian/Classical conditioning
Pavlovian conditioning usually involves ______ behavior.
In Pavlovian conditioning, the appearance of the US is normally ______ on the appearance of the CS.
Generally speaking, the shorter the CS-US interval, the _____ the rate of learning. The shorter the intertrial interval, the _____ the rate of learning.
faster // slower
Presenting CS alone without the US to see if the same response occurs is called _________.
test trails
The tendency of a NS to elicit a CR after a US has elicited a reflex response is called __________.
Trace conditioning
CS begins and ends before the US appears creating a gap between the stimuli.
Delay conditioning
CS and US overlap, US appears before the CS disappears.
The CS ends only after the US begins.
Simultaneous conditioning
CS and US coincide exactly.
Backward conditioning
CS follows the US
The least effective form of conditioning is probably the _______ _______.
backward procedure
_____ is an “if-then statement”: if x is contingent on y, then x will occur to the extent that y occurs. Pavlovian procedures vary with contingency between ___ and ___.
Contingency // CS // US
______ is the closeness in time or space between two events.
_______ ______ is the interval between the termination of CS and the onset of the US.
Interstimulus interval (ISI)
Pairing a distinctive taste with a substance that induces nausea, is called _________.
taste aversion
__________ is two or more stimuli presented simultaneously, often as a CS.
Compound stimulus
________ is the effect of one stimulus was found very commonly to overshadow the effect of the others almost completely (when using compound stimuli).
If one part of a compound stimulus fails to become a CS, ______ has occurred.
________ is the appearance of a stimulus without the US interferes with ability of that stimulus to become a CS later.
Latent inhibition
Latent inhibition is the result of the ___ having appeared alone before ______ _____.
CS // conditioning trials
Intertrial interval is the ___ between successive trials.
Interval between the pairings of ___ and ___.
gap // CS // US
______ is the procedure of repeatedly presenting the CS alone to become weaker and weaker.
______ ______ is when a CR reappears after having initially vanished.
Spontaneous recovery
Stimulus substitution theory
the theory that the CS substitutes for the US and assumes the CR is the same as the UR.
Preparatory response theory
the theory that proposes the CR prepares the organism for the appearance of the US.
Compensatory response theory
the CR prepares the organism for the US by compensating for its effects.
In _________, a neutral stimulus is paired with a well-established conditioned stimulus.
higher order conditioning
The experiments of Staats and Staats with nonsense syllables are examples of ___________.
higher-order conditioning
Once a conditioned stimulus is learned it can prevent the acquisition of a new conditioned stimulus, this I called ______-
______ thought Pavlov was one of the greatest geniuses who ever lived.
H. G. Wells
Braun and Geiselhart found that older subjects acquired conditional responses ___ _____ than younger subjects.
less rapidly
The Rescorla-Wagner theory of conditioning
Assumes that there is a limit to the amount of conditioning that can occur in the pairing of two stimuli.
The ______-_____ _____ recognizes that the greatest amount of learning occurs in the first/earliest pairings of CS and US.
Rescorla-Wagner model