Chapter 3 Flashcards
What does relativistically mean?
Context is everything, all behaviour takes place within social and cultural contexts and can best be understood within that context
What does naturalistically mean?
Studying people within their natural settings
What does comparatively mean?
How behaviours and attitudes vary from one society to another, finding patterns and understanding why differences exist.
What does globally mean?
How global forces impact local cultures around the world and how they adapt to these forces.
What is bio-cultural?
Relationship between human biology and culture, cultural practices may affect biology ex: lactose intolerance.
What does reflexively mean?
Understanding ones own gender, race, or social position and how those aspects of self may influence the data you gather and how it is applied.
What are some examples of applied anthropology?
Medical, business, educational, developmental, environmental.
What is medical anthropology?
The application of anthropological theories, concepts, and methods in the study of health, illness, and healing. Examples: understanding different cultures have different medical practices, the ebola outbreak and how death procedures are generally carried out in foreign countries.
What is business anthropology?
Applying anthropological concepts and methods to help businesses and other organizations improve productivity through understanding and managing cultures. Ex) Global trade, communication, culturally relative products.
What is educational anthropology?
Using anthropological concepts and methods to study to understand educational institutions and processes. Ex) Languages used in educational institutes.
What is developmental anthropology?
Applying anthropological knowledge, theory, perspectives, and methods to improve marginalized communities. Ex) Homeless communities, providing services to help, understanding that everyone’s experience is different.
What is environmental anthropology?
Understanding how humans interact with the environment and finding solutions to human environmental problems. Ex) Pollution, plastic straws, SMART Ice.
What are the 3 major products involved in applied anthropology?
Information, policy, and action
What is the biomedical model?
Disease thought to be due to some infection or genetic disorder, and health is absence of disease and the normal functioning of the body.
What is the difference between disease and illness?
Disease- biomedical concept, considers the pathogen and the bodies response to it.
lllness- sociocultural concept, relates to a persons perception and experience of being sick, communities understanding of the disease, and the social value associated with being sick.
What are the four areas that business anthropologists work in?
- New product development
- Understanding and managing corporate culture
- Consumer behaviour
- Conducting business internationally