Chapter 3 Flashcards
Behavioural Decision Model
describes decision making with limited information and bounded rationality.
Bounded Rationality
describes making decisions within the constraints of limited information and alternatives.
Certain Environment
offers complete information on possible action alternatives and their consequences.
Cost-Benefit Analysis
involves comparing the costs and benefits of each potential course of action.
is the generation of a novel idea or unique approach that solves a problem or takes advantage of an opportunity.
is an unexpected problem that can lead to disaster if not resolved quickly and appropriately.
Crisis Management
preparation for the management of crises that threaten an organization’s health and well being
raw facts and observations.
choice among possible alternative courses of action
data made useful for decision making
Information Technology (IT)
helps us acquire, store, process, and transmit information
Information Systems
use IT to collect, organize, and distribute data for use in decision making
Intuitive Thinking
approaches problems in a flexible and spontaneous fashion
Lack of Participation Error
failure to involve in a decision the persons whose support is needed to implement the decision
Management Information Systems (MIS)
meet the information needs of managers in making daily decisions