chapter 3 Flashcards
define a “leader”
a person who influences other people towards achievement of a vision or set of goals
Define a “manager”
a person who is been formally appointed to make decisions, allocate resources, and direct the activities of others.
What is the general consensus of an operational leader
evaluate the work of other employees, compare work results ot standards, and take corrective action as needed.
What is “leadership”
the ability to influence a group toward the acheivement of a vision or set of goals.
- informal/formal.
What is informal leadership
the ability to influence others to pursue unofficial goals that may or may not be in the organization’s best interest..
what is formal leadership?
the ability to influence others to pursue official organizational goals.
What is emotional intelligence (EI)
refers to a person’s ability to monitor and control their own emotionas and behavior in a complex social setting.
According to Daniel Goleman what are the 5 skills necessary to emotional intelligence.
self-awareness self-regulation motivation empathy social skills
Most behavioural theories of span 2 dimensions, 1- leaders concern for the technical or task aspects of a job, 2- leders attention to interpersonal relationship and need of employees. Therefore most theories of leadership hold that an effective leader is one who understands what 2 conceps?
- what needs to be done
2. how to get things done through people
Peter Drucker identified what common practices of effective leaders (7)
- ask “what needs to be done, and what is right for the enterprise”
- develop action plans
- take responsibility for decisions
- take responsibility for communicating
- see oppertunities rather than problems.
- they run productive meetings
- think “we” not “I”
Trust is an essential aspect of effective organizations. Define the term “trust”
refers to a belief in the integrity character or ability of others,
integrity: individual is honnest and truthful
character: cares about/supports other people
ability: individuals possession of the technical and interpersonal knowledge neccessary to get the job done.
What happens when there is trust between leaders and their followers?
- they take more risks
- share information
- work well in groups
- be productive
Trusst can be worked on. There are 6 areas that are essential for building trust. name them
- communication: disclose all and be honest.
- support
- respect: deligate based on their abilities
- fairness: rewards/punishment
- predictability: keep promisses
- competence
What is the action of “influence”
any attempt to direct the behaviour of followers.
- source: power
define power
the ability to direct the actions of others
define authority
the right to direct the actions of others
Power can be categorized into 5 types that are split across two subcategories: formal and personal power. what are the 5 types under the subcategories
- formal:
- legitimate power,
- reward power,
- coercive power - personal power:
- expert power,
- referent power
what is legitimate power
AKA: personal power
refers to the power that occurs solely because of a person’s superior position over others.
what is reward power?
the ability to grant rewards to those who comply with requests or commands
What is Coercive power?
the power to mete out punishments to those who disobey
What is Expert power?
a power that derives from the skills or expertise that an individual possess.
What is referent power?
arises when other identify with a person who has desirable resources or personal traits and comply solely on that basis.
- extends to emulation
Which powers tend to be more effective?
expert power and referent power since they bear a strong relationship to employee satisfaction and organiazational commitment.
What are influence tactics and what do they include (9)?
AKA: power tactics
ways individuals translate influence into specific actions.
- rational persuation: logic/education
- inspirational appeals emotions/values
- consultation: using their input
- coalition tactics: enlisting in aid or support of others
- ingratiating tactics: complements
- personal appeals: using friendship/loyalty
- legitimacy: formal position
- exchange tactics: trading
- pressure tactics: intimidation
What are the preferred influences tactics in a downward influence ?
- rational persuasion
- inspirational appeals
- pressure
- consultation
- ingratiation
- exchange
- legitimacy
What are the preferred influences tactics in a lateral influence?
- rational persuasion
- consultation
- infratiation.
- exchange
- legitimacy
- personal appeals
- coalitions
What are the preferred influences tactics in a upward influence?
rational persuasion
what is behaviour modification
an approach in which an individual systematically manages environemntal factors in order to encourage desirable behaviour and discourage undesirable behaviour.
What is antecedent in terms of behaviour context?
an environmental cue that prompts a person to act in a particular manner.
- when used by leaders its directing others to behave in a particular wayt when they are prompted by a cue.
What are the 4 strategies of managing the consequences of behaviour in behaviour modification?
- reinforcement
- negative reinforcement
- extinction
- punishment
define positive and negative reinforcement
+: process of encouraging a specific behaviour by following it with a consequence that the individual finds pleasurable
-: process of encouraging a specific behaviour by immediately withdrawing or terminating something that an individual finds unpleasant
> encourages a specific behaviour
what is extinction?
the process of discouraging a specific behaviour by ignoring it
what is punishment?
the process of discouraging a specific behaviour by immediately presenting an undesirable consequence or removing something desirable.
> discourages behaviour
What is continuous vs intermittent reinforcement
process of either encouraging every instance of an action or discouraging every instance of an action VS. process of encouraging some instances of an action and discouraging some instances of an action.
Out of all the strategies, which is the most effective way of managing the bahaviour of employees?
+ve reinforcement
Define “conflict”
What are some (4) common conflict-management techniques?
- problem solving: parties meet face to face and discuss the problem and come up with a solution
- compromise: each party agrees on half point
- expansion of resources: each party gets what they want
- superodinate goals: parties given shared goal which cant be obtained without working together
- forcing: formal authority used to solve conflic
- smoothing: leader attempts to minimize differences and emphasize on their common interests
- avoidance: person in charge withdraws form problem.
Often, organizations implementing changes use a change agent. What is this?
a type of leader who acts as a catalyst and assumes responsibility for managing change activities for organizations.
Name some strategies from the field of change management that are effective in overcoming resistance to change
- education and communication
- facilitation and support
- participation and involement
- negotiation and agreement
- coercion
A variation on participation and involvement during a change is called co-optation. What is this?
a combination of manipulation and participation.
- change agents give those resisting the change a key role in brining about the change to help Motivate.
Define coercion
an authority figure instructs employees to accept a change or risk negative consequences.
- used if in a pinch for time, may results to anger of employees
Define the action of “mentoring”
relationship in which an experienced employee- known as a mentor- sponsers an supports a less experienced employee often called- protege.
- great for development of leadership potential
whats the difference between formal and informal mentoring?
formal: mentoring arrnagement officially endorsed by the organization
informal: refers to mentoring arrangement that develops outside of official channels.
What trends could potentially result in serious leadership gas in the financial service industry?
- demographics: age gaps
- fewer levels of management
- CEO longetivity (lack there off)
- hiring out
- Economic climate
Define Performance Evaluation
AKA: performance appraisal
the formal process of reviewing and documenting an employees job performances as a basis for making objective personnel decisions.
How does performance evaluation serve a number of organizational goals?
- establishes clear goals and expectations
- helps with decisions about promotions, transfers, and termination
- identifying traning and development needs for employees
- revealing areas in which employees need improvement, as well as areas in which employees are excelling
- providing feedback to employees about performances
- determine distribution of rewards.
What are the problems with performance evaluations?
- Cognitive bias by either evaluators or those being evaluyated. examples of bias that occur:
- recency error
- similarity error
- hiring-manager bias
- negativity bias - Timming issues
- dated approaches to performance evaluation. I vs. we evaluations
- arbitrariness of performance ratings
Define recency error
the evaluator places more emphasis on recent events and minimizes or ignores events that occurred further in the past.
Define similarity error
evaluator gives high ratings to an individual who resembles her and lower ratings to an individual which whom she has little in common
what is hiring-manager bias?
an evaluator gives higher ratings to an employee he hired directly and less favourable reviews to employees for whom he had no influence in hirring.
define the halo-effect
the tendency to evaluate someone who is ecellent in one area as excellent in all areas of evaluations.
negative bias
refers to an evaluators tendency to pay more attention and give more weight to negative than positive examples of an employees work
The two important examples of cognitive biases that occur in the minds of those being evaluated are the fundamental attribution error and the above average error. define thse
- AKA: self-serving bias is the tendency to take credit for our success but assign blame to other for our failures
- tendency to see ourselves as above average in everything we do, when of necessity, some people would have to be average or below average in some areas.
What are some solutions for performance evaluations?
- using the right evaluators
- using the right goals
- using the right feedback
- using the right reasons
what is a 360-degree review?
used by evaluator to minimize subjectivity problems. opnions about an employees performance are solicited from several sources, such as a the employee and her supervisors, peers, cubordinates, and customers.
Companies can cause Management by objectives (MBO) to set appropriate goals. define this
is a performance, evaluation method in which the employee and his supervisor work together to 1) set clear and attainable goals 2) develop a plan for achieving those goals.
In performance evaluation, an effective goal should be SMART. what is this?
Specific (detailed) Measurable Acceptable (support available) Realistic Time
What is the act of coaching:
an interective process in which a manager or supervisor helps an employee improve his performance on the hob.
What are some reasons for performance evaluation?
- rationale for pay raises
- coaching
- performance counseling
- termination