Chapter 3 Flashcards
- add meaning of the root or change it
- less “weighty” than the root in terms of meaning
- don’t belong in a lexical category, but can CHANGE a word’s lexical category
- can’t exist on it’s own (bound morpheme)
- classified depending on position in a word
Types of Affixes
- Prefix
- Suffix
- Class 1 Affixes
- Class 2 Affixes
- Infix
- Transfix
- Circumfix
added BEFORE the root (left)
- ex) UNtie, DEconstruct, IMpropable
added AFTER the root (right)
- ex) exampleS, improveMENT, attachED
Class 1 Affix
- suffixes triggering phonological changes in the stem
- ex) “-ity” changes last consonant and pulls stress closer to itself (electric vs. electricity
Class 2 Affix
- “phonological neutral” suffixes
- don’t trigger changes in the stem
- ex) “-ness”, “-less”
- inserted in the middle of a root
- ex) Tagalog and Bontoc
- inserted into a root
- a root exists as a consonantal template
- a particular lexical meaning is associated with a few consonants and adding particular vowel patterns through consonantal templates yield different grammatical yield
- Hebrew, Arabic, Afro-Asiatic
- placed simultaneously on both sides of a root (before and after)
- ex) German
- halten, hielt, geholten (to stop, stopped, has stopped)
Properties of Affixes
- structurally and semantically subordinate parts of a word
- not necessarily present in a word
- multiple affixes can occur in a word
- dependent (bound) elements
- has nonspecific content, often grammar-like in function
- can either precede or follow a root, or be inserted into the root, or embrace the root on both sides
- position of given affix with respect to root is fixed
- most common way of forming words
- process of producing new words from already existing words with the help of adding a new affix
Derivational Affixes
- affixes used to produce new words
- ex) govern + ment = government
- roughly 200 derivational affixes
- part of the word that an affix is added to
- synonymous with root in English
- could contain a prefix or suffix
Complex Derivation
- derivation can apply to a word more than once
V to A
- understandable
V to N
- discussant
N to A
- hopeful
A to A
- greenish
A to N
- carelessness
A to V
- blacken
V to N
- dancing
V to A
- creative
A to V
- activate
A to V
- activation