Chapter 3 Flashcards
What is aristotles idea of the “first mover”
Everything that happens is ultimately attributable to a single universal cause
What is a monad
An individual substance in the sense that it contains all of its features — past, present, future. Examples are an atom, a humans, etc.
Who made the theory of monads
Are monads dependent or independent of all things
Who wrote the leviathan
Thomas Hobbes
What does Hobbes think of human beings
They’re physical objects that are sophisticated machines.
What did the Milesians think on metaphysics
Change is only apparent but the real world remained the same
What did Heraclitus say about metaphysics
There’s continuos change to everything
Heraclitus quote
You cannot step twice into the same river
Parmenides thoughts on metaphysics
Being is a permanent unchanging part of reality
Parmenides quote
Being is, non being is not
Plato thoughts on metaphysics
Human beings belong to real and apparent worlds. We have a body and soul.
Epicurus thoughts on metaphysics
World is composed of atoms and empty space. Every change is made of atomic collisions. Human mind is made of “soul atoms”
4 principles of Aristotle on cause for metaphysics
Material cause
Formal cause
Efficient cause
Final cause
Material cause
What is it that changes
Formal cause
What does it change to
Efficient cause
What makes the change
Final cause
For what reason does it change
Augustine thought on time
There’s past present and future. Present is continuously a vanishing point as time goes on.
3 realities of Descartes
Cartesian dualism
The mind and body are completely separate.
Hobbes view on metaphysics
Physical and mental world are materialistic
Monads based on metaphysics according to Leibniz
Monads start with God. Higher monads are souls or minds. Monads are self contained universe with independent monads acting in harmony with all others. There must be a God who is the cause of monads
Metaphysics according to Locke
God and ourselves are the only two certain things. The only two substances are bodies and spirits
Two metaphysical theories according to Johan Fichte
Idealism and materialism
Who made the absolute mind theory
Georg Hegel
What is the absolute mind theory
Absolute mind is striving to become a completely free being.
Who did Hegel influence
Karl Marx
Who made the dialectic
Arthur Schopenhauer on metaphysics
World appears as a series of ideas that have no purpose or goal. Human existence is hopeless
Alfred whitehead view of metaphysics
Universe can be understood only as organisms that are developing. God exists through His love and preserves everything and gives everything purpose
3 truths (thomistic — Augustinian thought)
Freedom of will
Immortality of soul
Existence of God
What does Thomas Aquarians write about man
Man is both metaphysical and physical. Man is an animal and must live like one (care for oneself) and also live like a rational being. Man is created by God. If man doesn’t exist then man is the highest being in the universe and the final standard. If God does exist, then man is less than God.