Chapter 3 Flashcards
The use of electronic means to capture light and save an image on a microchip.
Digital Photography
The rate at which the silver halide grains of a given film react to light.
Film speed
1 million pixels; used to describe a digital camera in terms of sensor resolution.
A type of camera that uses the same lens for viewing and for taking picture. The image seen in the viewfinder or on the LCD monitor is how the photo will turn out.
Single lens reflex (SLR or DSLR) camera
The size of the diaphragm opening through which light enters the camera.
A setting on a camera that controls the aperture diameter to determine the amount of light transmitted through the lens to the film or microchip
The length of time that the film or microchip is exposed to light.
Shutter speed
The amount of area in the foreground and background of an in-focus photographic subject that is also relatively in focus
Depth of feild
The measure of the “degree of whiteness” of a light source compared to a hypothetical source of perfect white light.
Color temperature
The form on which the investigator records the details of each photograph taken at a crime scene.
Photography log
A compression method for digital files that decrease the file size without discarding digital data.
Lossless compression
The rudimentary first sketch created at the crime scene for accuracy in depicting dimensions and locations but no concern for aesthetic perseverance.
Rough Sketch
The perfected final sketch that is constructed with care and concern for aesthetic appearance and drawn to scale.
Finished Sketch
The process of creating a scaled drawing using specially designed computer software.
Computer-aided drafting
Deoxyribonucliec acid
What are the 4 nucleotides bases in DNA?
Adenine, Thymine,
Guanine, Cytosine (A,C,T,G)
Sources of Biological evidence
Short pieces of repetitive DNA
electronic index developed from DNA profiles collected from offenders convicted of designated primary and secondary offences
Convicted Offender Index(COI)
Electronic index composed of DNA profiles obtained from crime scenes
Crime Scene Index(CSI)