Chapter 3: Flashcards
Describe the three components of the Air Force’s definition of leadership.
“The art and science…”
Leadership is an art because it requires imagination and creative skills but leadership is also a science because it is an academic subject requiring careful study, observation and experimentation. As an art, leadership gives theaters freedom to express themselves, as a science, leadership demands that leaders think before they act.
“…of influencing and directing people…”
A leader works with people.
“…to accomplish the assigned mission.”
The mission is the reason why the team exists, among the leader’s many responsibilities, accomplishing the mission is the most important.
What is the Air Force’s definition of leadership?
“The art and science of influencing and directing people to accomplish the assigned mission.”
What are the three components most definitions of leadership have in common?
There’s no universally agreed upon definition for “leadership”, most experts include in their definition of “leadership” three components: the leader, the follower(s) and the goal.
How do we approach leadership?
Culture-the attitudes, customs and values of a civilization-influences how we approach leadership.
What are the five assumptions about the American understanding of leadership?
1:You don’t need to be a commander to lead.
Great men and women throughout history have influenced and directed people to accomplish something remarkable, without having formal authority over their followers. Recall the Air Force’s definition of leadership: no reference made to the leader having a certain rank or position.
2:Leaders are made, not born.
Leading is now seen as something everyone has a potential for, the Air Force’s official view on leadership states that leadership can be built through experience, education and training.
3:Leaders are accountable.
Absolute power corrupts absolutely.
4:Leaders are not bullies.
Threats, coercion and extortion are not tools genuine leaders use.
5:Leadership must be moral.
“Bad leadership implies no leadership. I contend that there is nothing neutral about leadership; it is valued as a moral necessity.
Why do leaders have to fill several rolls?
In the everyday sense of the word, “to lead” means to bring someone to a new place. Visionary leaders paint an inspiring future picture for the whole team, without a visionary leader, the team is focused only on the present, not the future.
Billy Mitchell in action.
17 years before Pearl Harbor, he was warning the Japan could use carrier-based airplanes to attack Hawaii. His vision called for creating an independent air force that would not be subject to the Army or Navy. At the end of World War II Billy Mitchell’s vision of the airplane being the new king of battle was proven correct.
Bold lettering states…
After all, leaders not only need to envision the future, they must live in the real world.
Such a leader might inspire the team to follow them for the wrong reasons, or worse, motivate them to do something they know is wrong but find hard to resist.
People judge leaders by their conduct, not their words.
Peter principle, “in a hierarchy, every employee tends to rise to his level of incompetence.”
Leaders who are seen as having all the answers could inadvertently make the team dependent on them.
One would not presume to challenge or contradict the example set by the great men.
Leaders are presumed to be acquainted with the biographies of the great men.
Simply by discovering how mysterious leadership can be, that it requires deep study and reflection, you have taken an important step in your development as a leader.
John F. Kennedy in action.
He challenged America by appealing to the nation in several ways, first, he cited the great accomplishments of earlier generations, Kennedy link his moon challenge with our stature as a world power. Competition is another motivator, people want to win, Kennedy motivated by putting his presidency on the line, most of all, Kennedy motivated by setting an audacious goal.
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. in action.
His “I have a dream” speech is recognized as one of the greatest oratorical performances of all time. Instead, he projected optimism, confidence, a belief in America. By the time his chorus, “I have a dream today”, comes around to be repeated 9 times, every one of the 200,000 people in the audience has found plenty to agree with.
Leaders and Cadets taking the role of…
Cadets as visionary leaders-
Cadets want to have a sense of ownership over their program, with that freedom comes responsibility to provide visionary leadership.
Leader as motivator-
A skillful leader understands how to issue a challenge but motivation is more than just cheering it comes, it comes in many forms: money, praise, prestigious position, awards, special privileges and more.
Cadets as motivators-
Cadets motivate one another all the time-during competitions, on obsolete courses and whenever they try to build team spirit.
Leader as communicator-A leader will want to take an idea in his or her mind and deposit it in the minds of others. They vary their message, doing whatever it takes to reach their audience, good communicators are perceived to have orderly minds, which inspires confidence.
Cadets as communicators-
Making complex ideas easy to understand is the work of a communicator.
Leader as expert-
Possessing expert knowledge helps a leader establish their credibility and win respect.
Cadets as experts-
To be effective leaders, cadet officers and NCOs need to be experts in all aspects of cadet life.
Leader as teacher-
Leaders teach their teams how to act and what to value.
Cadets as teachers-
With the responsibility to teach junior cadets comes the opportunity for experience cadets to hone their leadership skills.
Roles of leaders summary:
Leaders communicate, teach and inspire-sometimes all at once.
Jimmy Doolittle in action.
He devised a method for launching Army Air Force bombers from a Navy aircraft carrier, Doolittle’s plan resulted in a daring rate on Tokyo.
Anne Sullivan in action.
“Obedience,” she wrote, “is the gateway through for which knowledge, yes, and love, too, enter the mind of a child.” Deep down, Sullivan knew that even blind children went to learn and contribute to society as much as anybody else. Because of Anne Sullivan’s leadership, many Americans began to see that people with disabilities can live productive, successful lives.
What is the definition of the great man theory?
The story is an example of what is perhaps the oldest leadership philosophy: great man theory. Great Man theory professes that to study leadership, focus on the life stories of successful people. Leadership, according to the great man theory, is an almost magical quality found only in a select few.
What are some assumptions that the theory about leadership?
A good leader never gives in even when they’re exhausted.