Chapter 3 Flashcards
in full bloom
she saw that there was cherry tree in full bloom by her window.
drop on one’s knees / gaze
Anne dropped on her knees and gazed out into the June morning, her eyes shining with delight.
[崩れるようにひざまずく / verb: じっと見る]
There was scope for imagination here.
[noun: (行動などの)自由、余地]
look on / unlovely
Anne had looked on so many unlovely places in her life, poor child;
[~を見る、見物する / 醜い、魅力的でない]
as lovely as / anything
woods and fields of the farm was as lovely as anything she had ever dreamed.
[素晴らしい、楽しい、嬉しい / pronoun: なんでも、どんなものでも]
make up one’s mind / declare
I’ve made up my mind to enjoy this drive, “declared Anne as they turned out of the gate.
[決心する / verb: 宣言する]
nearly / firmly
It’s been my experience that you can nearly always enjoy things if you make up your mind firmly that you will.
[adv: ほとんど、危うく、もう少しで / adv: しっかりと、かたく]
not even
I’m not even going to think about going back to the asylum during our drive.
wild rose
Oh, look, a wild rose.
[noun: 野ばら]
Don’t you wish ~ ?
Don’t you wish roses could talk?
anybody / get to be ~ / grow up
Did you ever know of anybody whose hair was red when she was young, but got to be another color when she grew up?
[pronoun: 誰か / 〜になる / 成長する、大人になる]
be likely to ~ / either
“No,” replied Marilla, “and it isn’t likely to happen in your case, either.”
[〜しそうである / adv: ~も~しない]
Anne sighed.
[verb: ため息をつく]
“My life is a perfect graveyard of buried hopes.”
[noun: 墓地]
I say it to comfort myself when I’m disappointed.
[verb: 〜を慰める]
insist on doing / might as well
“Five miles, and since you insist on talking you might as well tell me what you know about yourself.
[〜すると言い張る / 〜するほうがましだ]
Anne obeyed.
[verb: 〜に従う]
die of / afterward
My mother died of fever when I was three months old, and father died four days afterward from fever too.
[(〜がもとで)死ぬ / adv: あとで、その後]
take someone in / someone have ever seen
Mrs. Thomas, who took me in, said that I was the ugliest baby she had ever seen.
[身柄を引き取る / 未だかつてみたことがない]
even then
See, nobody really wanted me even then.
they said it was overcrowded.
[adj: 人が多すぎる]
finish up with ~
Anne finished up with big sigh.
except for ~
Except for at the asylum.
not much / far away
Not much. It was too far away.
[〜と大差ない / 遠くはなれている]
pretty well / though / poem / by heart
I can read pretty well, though, and I know so many poems by heart.
[かなりよく / conj: ((学校にいっていなかった))にもかかわらず / 詩 / 暗記して]
look at
Marilla looked at Anne.
[verb: 〜を見る]
be good to
Were those women, Mrs. Thomas and Mrs. Hammond, good to you?
go red
Anne’s face went red
mean to / worry
they meant to be, I know they meant to be kind … but they had worries too.
[〜するつもりである / noun: 心配事]
She just tightened her lips and looked serious.
[verb: 固く締める]
in her heart she had begun to pity the child.
[verb: 〜を哀れむ]
let someone stay
Could she let her stay?
might be / out of
She talks too much, but she might be trained out of that.
[〜だろう、〜かもしれない / 〜から抜け出す]
there’s nothing rude in what she does say.
[adj: 無礼、下品]
She’s ladylike.
It’s likely her people were nice folks.
[adv: たぶん、おそらく]
dear me / last / look for
Dear me, Marilla, you’re the last folks I was looking for today.
[おや、まあ!、 / adj: 最もありそうにない /(驚き) / 期待する]
somewhere / come over
the fact is there has been a mistake somewhere and I’ve come over to see where it is.
[adv: どこかに(で、へ) / 会いに来る]
“Why, you don’t say!” said Mrs. Spencer unhappily.
I’m dredfully sorry.
[adv: 極度に]
I did the best I could and I thought I was following your instructions.
[noun: 指示]
come on in / talk ~ over
Come on in and we’ll talk the matter over.
[中へお入りください / 〜について議論する]
Perhaps we can settle the matter right away.
[adv: 多分、もしかしたら]
over here
Anne, you sit over here on this bench.
It’s our own fault.
[noun: 責任]
should have / pass on / by word of mouth.
We should have come to you ourselves and not have left an important message to be passed on by word of mouth.
[〜するべきだった / 〜を伝える / 口頭で伝える]
“I suppose so,” said Mrs. Spencer thoughtfully, …
[adv: 思慮深く、考え込んだ様子で]
sent for
Yesterday Mrs. Blewett told me she wished she’d sent for a little girl to help her.
look over at
Marilla looked over at Anne.
softened / at the sight of / its / sadness
Her heart softened at the sight of the child’s pale face with its look of sadness.
[verb: 〜が柔らかくなる / 〜を見て / pronoun: それの、あの / 悲しさ、悲しみ]
helpless / once more / caught in the trap
- like a helpless little creature once more caught in the trap from which it had escaped.
[無力な / もう一度 / 罠にかかった]
find out
I just came to find out how the mistake occurred.
had better
I think I’d better take her home again and talk it over with Matthew.
Anne flew across the room to Marilla.
she said in a breathless whisper.
[adj: 息苦しそうな、息を切らした]
“You had better learn to control your imagination,” said Marilla crossly.
[adv: すねて、不機嫌に]
and no more
You heard me say that and no more. It isn’t decided yet.
noun:look / noun:relief / bing ~ back
Marilla read the look of relief in his face when he saw she had brought Anne back.
[目つき・顔つき・様子 / 緊張・心配・苦痛の除去 / 〜を連れて帰る]
behind / barn
she said nothing until they were both out in the yard behind the barn.
[prep: 裏の / noun: 納屋]
conj:since / concerned
I agree. And since you seem to want her, so far as I’m concerned, Matthew, Anne may stay.
[conj:~なので、~だから / adj: 心配]
Matthew’s face glowed with delight.
[verb: 紅潮する]
come to see ~ that …
I hoped you’d come to see it that way.
little thing
She’s such an interesting little thing.
[noun: 小さな子]
leave someone to do / take over
You just leave to manage her. If I fail, you can take over.
[黙ってい人に〜させておく / 引き継ぐ]
As you say / spoil
As you say, Marilla. Only be as kind to her as you can without spoiling her.
[あなたの言う通りにする / verb: 甘やかす]
I think she’s the sort you can do anything with if only you get her to love you.
[noun: 俗語: いい子・イイ女]
said Matthew gently.
[adv: 穏やかに・優しく]
by noon / willing / tend
By noon she had concluded that Anne was smart, willing and quick, but tended to fail into daydreams in the middle of task and forget all about it.
[昼までには / adj: 熱心な / verb: 意識を向ける]
any longer
By afternoon she couldn’t wait any longer.
tremble / noun:fear
She trembled with fear.
[verb:震える / noun:恐れ・恐怖]
I’ve tried to be patient, but I cannot bear not knowing.
[adj: 人が苦痛や困難に我慢する]
dishcloth / coldly
You haven’t cleaned the dishcloth in hot water as I told you to do,” said Marilla coldly.
[noun:布巾 / adv: coldly]
might as well
I suppose I might as well tell you.
find an excuse
Marilla could not find an excuse to delay any longer.
We have decided to keep you - if you be good and try to act grateful.
[adj: 感謝する]
Why, child, whatever is the matter?
calm oneself
Sit down and clam yourself.
both A and B / far too
I’m afraid you both cry and laugh far too easily.
[AもBも、AのみならずBもまた / あまりにも〜過ぎる]
in the fall
You can stay here, but you must go to school in the fall.
plain / like everybody else
No; call me just plain Marilla like everybody else.
[adj:シンプルな / 他のみんなと同じように]
draw a long breath
“Oh,” Anne drew a long breath.
at once
I want you to obey me at once.