Chapter 3 Flashcards
What was the first English settlement in America?
Who sent the Spanish Armada to try and convert England back to Catholicism?
King Phillip II
Who established Roanoke?
Sir Walter Raleigh
What was the word left behind on Roanoke Island that John White saw when he returned?
What are documents that gave rights to establish settlements from King James I?
What is a joint-stock company?
Investors buy stocks to help set the settlement up and once profits are reached, the investors get a percentage.
What was the settlement established by the Virginia Company?
Who was the first governor of the Jamestown settlement?
Captain John Smith
What crop saved Jamestown?
Who married the daughter of Chief Powhatan, Pocahontas?
John Rolfe
What was the legislative assembly of Jamestown?
The House of Burgesses
What was the official Church of England after the Protestant Reformation?
Anglican Church
Who were the Protestants who wanted to reform the Anglican Church?
Who were the Protestants who wanted to leave and set up their own churches?
Who were the separatists who came to the colonies for religious freedom?
What was the name of the ship the Pilgrims came to America on?
What percentage of Pilgrims passed away after their first winter?
Who were the two people that showed the Pilgrims how to grow crops and where to hunt and fish?
Squanto and Samoset
What Native American group participated in the First Thanksgiving?
Wampanoag tribe
What was the Puritan society that was based on the Bible?
Mass. Bay Colony
What was the Great Migration?
In the 1630’s over 15,000 Puritans went to Mass. to escape persecution & economic struggles in England.
What city and colony did Thomas Hooker establish?
Hartford, Connecticut
What was special about the Fundamental Orders of Connecticut?
It was the first written constitution in America
What was the Native American name for King Phillip?