Chapter 3 Flashcards
Who founded psychoanalysis?
Sigmund Freud.
What is Freuds Model of the Psyche? What are the 4 elements of it?
Freuds way of explaining the formation of personality. The 4 elements are id, ego, super-ego, and the external world.
What does each of the 4 components of the psyche entail?
ID = primitive urges
Ego = rationality
Super ego = moral code
External world = external influences
What are Freuds stages of development?
- Pre birth
- Oral = child seeking pleasure through breast milk
- Anal = gratification through defecation
- Genital
Define the Oedipal crisis.
Developed by Sigmund Freud. Explains that during the gentian stage, a male child develops sexual desire towards women, learns to repudiate the feminine. The male child at first sexually desires his mother and seeks to replace his father.
Define penis envy.
When a girl realizes she doesnt have a penis, and consequentially gets anxiety.
Define castration anxiety.
A boy’s fear of losing his genitals.
Basic principles of Freuds gender theory.
- he cleaves gender and sexuality from biology
- he links gender to sexuality
How did Freud view same sex relationships?
He didn’t believe in criminal prosecution of same sex couples. He saw homosexuality as the failure of the child to identify with their same sex parent.
What are some criticisms to Freuds work?
- he based much of his studies on women on small samples of upper class women
- recanting evidence of women’s experiences of sexual violence
What is sex role theory?
A broad body of theory which uses psychology and sociology to analyze gender role and identities.
What was the MF Test?
A test distributed in the 30s-60s to help determine where an individual lands on the gender spectrum. Used very gendered and stereotypical language.
Define the cult of compulsive masculinity.
Developed by Talcott Parsons. Theory that boys rebel against femininity to establish themselves as masculine using hypermasculine behavior.
What was Sandra Bem’s contribution to sex role theory?
She said that gender is on a spectrum from masculine - androgynous - feminine. She said that an androgynous person described the most healthily adjusted individual.
Define cognitive development theory.
Highlights the development of gender identity in childhood.
True or false: By age 2, children start to have a stable view of themselves as gendered.
Define gender constancy. When is it developed?
By age 6, children have a solid gender identity and realize that gender is permanent and unchanging.
Define object relations theory. Who originated it?
Developed by Melanie Klein, examines the development of self in relation to others.
Define womb envy. Who developed the term?
Developed by Karen Horney, explains how men are jealous of how women can create life so therefore they seek to dominate and control women.
Define the ethic of care and ethic of justice. Who developed it?
Developed by Carol Gilligan. Explains the ethic typically followed by men versus women. The ethic of justice followed by men and the ethic of care followed by women.