CHAPTER 3 Flashcards
…harshest Roman persecution of the church.
- Era of Martyrs
To legalize Christianity.
- Edict of Milan
The Arian heresy remained popular until the late 300s.
- Arian Controversy
The Creed of Nicaea confessed the church’s belief in the Trinity and in the full deity of Jesus Christ. The Council of Nicaea was later recognized as the first general council of the church.
- The Council of Nicaea
Athanasius made a list of authoritative Christian writings, including the same 27 books that appear in New Testaments today. In AD 397, the Synod of Carthage confirmed Athanasius’ list.
- Athanasius’ Easter Letter
Overseer of Carthage, North Africa
- Cyprian
Devout Christian and mother of Emperor Constantine.
- Helena
Wrote the earliest surviving history of Christianity.
- Eusebius of Caesarea
Founder of communal (or cenobitic)…
- Pachomius
One of the Great Cappadocians, opposed Arianism.
- Basil of Caesarea
One of the Great Cappadocians, opposed Arianism.
- Gregory Nazianzus
One of the Great Cappadocians, Basil’s brother.
- Gregory Nyssa
Monk and scholar…
- Jerome
Diocletian divided…
- Eastern and Western Empires
The Eastern theologians who helped Christians recognize Arianism as a false teaching.
- The Great Cappadocians
The belief that—if an overseer ever faltered under persecution—all ordinances and ceremonies that the overseer had performed were invalid. Donatism (named after Donatus, an early leader) split North African churches from AD 311 until the fifth century.
- Donatism
The belief that Jesus is not fully God
- Arianism
From Latin vulgaris (“common”)
- Vulgate