CHAPTER 2 Flashcards
The Gnostics’ false teachings first surfaced in the first century. By AD 140, Gnostics outnumbered Christians in some areas.
- Gnostic Controversy
claiming to be the Messiah
- Second Jewish Rebellion
Montanists—also known as “New Prophets”
- Montanist Movement
The Muratorian Canon acknowledged every New Testament book with the exception of Hebrews, James, and Peter’s epistles; decades passed before these texts were universally acknowledged.
- Books of the New Testament Recognized
Rejected the Old Testament and tried to remove sixteen books from the texts that Christians recognized as apostolic.
- Marcion
Earliest leader of the New Prophets (also known as “Montanists”).
- Montanus
Leader of the New Prophets.
- Maximilla
predicted Jesus would return to Phrygia.
- Prisca
Overseer of Rome. Fourteenth pope, for Roman Catholics.
- Victor
Defended eastern Christians during Easter controversy.
- Irenaeus
North African slave girl and Christian, probably a Montanist.
- Felicity
. Attacked “modalism”
- Tertullian
Recorded the Apostolike Paradosis
- Hippolytus
Any teaching that directly contradicts an essential New Testament teaching.
- Heresy
From the Greek, gnosis (“knowledge”)..
- Gnosticism
From the Greek, docein (“to seem”)…
- Docetism
…. “the Apostles’ Creed.”
- Rule of Faith