Chapter 3 Flashcards
3 general perspectives on crime:
psychdynamic, learning, social learning
focus on the study of observable processes - crime is learned by encoding processing and retaining information
psychodynamic theories
internal/unconscious psych forces
social learning theories
observing others - specific conditions that promote or inhibit learning
methods to testing biological origins of crime
longitudinal, cross sectional, metanaylsis
psychdynamic theory basis
humans are internally antisocial, pleasure seeking, and destructive impulses
internal psychic forces
where do sexual and self serving feelings come from
part of personality repersents unconscious primitive and instintual desires
id is run by
pleasure principle - immediate pleasure without consequences
id is combated by
mediate one;s primal needs and society’s needs
ego is run by
reality principle
ego is governed by
focuses on moral and displine
superego’s two components
consience (right and wrong)
ego ideal - social standards
propsoed three sources of criminal behaviour caused by
variance of superego
harsh superago -
neurotica= animals - unconscious guilt - invite punishment
weak superago
psychpathic personality
deviant superego
superego is developed but identification with deniant role mode;
bowlby’s theory of maternal deprivation
disruption to the mother-child relationship = long term effects = exhibit antisocial patterns of behaviour
glueck and glueck
causes of crime + asses the effectiveness of correctional treatment
conccluded based on parenting variables and superego
hirschi control theories
social control theory - people don’t violate the law because of social controls and 4 bonds to society
4 bonds to society according to hirschi
attachment, commitment, involvement, and belief
general theory of crime
self control - primary determinant of crime - 0.34 effect size - 19% variance of criminal behaviour
learning theories of crime
no natural inherent impulse to act antisocially, classical conditioning, operant condition
3 important factors of operant conditioning
no delay, consistency, level of consequent