Chapter 3 Flashcards
Explain the Cold War
USA and USSR still have tensions after WWII. They both believe their model of society is best and try to impose their influence on the world. An arms race begins- both sides have nuclear weapons that they’ve never used. The war never heats up.
When does the baby boom occur?
1946-1960 once soldiers come back from the war
What are examples of the consumer society?
-Influence of American society (TV/advertising)
-Mass Consumption (advertising and greater purchasing power)
What is a cause of suburbs growing?
By the 1950s and 60s, cities are getting overcrowded and young families need more space. Highways are also built outside the city.
What is urban sprawl?
Urban sprawl is defined as “the spreading of urban developments on undeveloped land near a more or less densely populated city”.
Duplessis is the head of which party?
Union Nationale- conservative and traditionalist party which prioritizes QC and the Church
What did Duplessis do in order to improve productivity of farms?
Rural electrification is
What is clericalism?
To support the involvement of the Church in politics. Duplessis supports this.
What is the Padlock Act of 1937
Protected Quebec against Communist Activity. Police can breakup any building/place where there is suspected communist activities.
What’s the Refus Global?
Because many artists and intellectuals opposed Duplessis, they wrote a manifesto which opposed the Church’s control over the province
Who is in power during the quiet revolution?
Jean Lesage
What are the 5 s’s for the Quiet Revolution?
State intervention
government Spending
Jean Lesage is part of which political party?
What does welfare state mean?
state that intervenes socially and economically to improve the well-being of the entire population
What 2 things are secularized during the Quiet Revolution?
Education and healthcare
What is a pension?
payment made to a retired person by the government.
Quebeckers contribute to their pension as they work and once you retire, the government sends pension cheques every month.
During the Quiet revolution, what are two ways that the government intervened?
-Introduced a pension plan
-government takes over education and healthcare
What is a crown corporation?
Company owned by the government
Why does the government decide to create crown corporations during the quiet revolution?
Previously with Duplessis, American and English Canadian were the main exploiters of QC’s resources. Now, the QC gvt wants to take control of the exploitation of QCs raw materials.
What is economic nationalism?
When people try to gain more control of their own economy
“Maitres chez nous” is the slogan of _____.
Hydroelectricity (after its nationalized)
When was the nationalization of Hydro-Quebec?
When was the nationalization of hydro-electricity?
Why were hydro-electric dams built? What are the two hydroelectric dams on QC?
Manic 5 and La Grande built as an example of QC expertise and a source of national pride.
What is the new labour code adopted in 1964?
Civil servants have the right to unionize and strike
What is the Laurendeau-Dunton Commission? When was it established?
established to study bilingualism and biculturalism in Canada. It determines that there are inequalities between anglophones and francophones: francophones make less on average and are under-represented in federal gvt jobs
Which two separatist groups are neo-nationalist?
parti quebecois (PQ) and front deliberation de qc (FLQ)
What is the difference between the PQ and the FLQ?
They use different means to get power:
PQ uses democratic means (elections and referendums) whereas the FLQ, use violent means (bombing, kidnapping, murder)
Do the FLQ and PQ support eachother?
No. Same goal but no support.
What is the October Crisis and when did it happen?
FLQ kidnaps British diplomat, James Cross and Premier, Pierre Laporte. Laporte is killed. Trudeau invoked the War Measures Act
What is the Act on legal status of Women and when does it happen?
Gives married women the right to sign legal documents
Which bill allows for contraception and abortion to be legalized?
omnibus bill 1969
*(remember 69… contraception/abortion…)
What are the four demands that feminist groups focus upon?
pay equality
access to abortion
maternity leave
daycare/childcare services
What is the concept of feminism?
Women = Men
***NOT Women > Men
In 1960 and 1969 what do Indigenous get the right to do?
get the right to vote ferally then provincially
What proposals did the White Paper have and when was it introduced?
-Abolition of Indian Act and all treaties
-Convert all reserve land to private property
-make indigenous people citizens wihtout any special rights
Did the Indigenous like the White Paper?
When was the Quebec flag adopted and by who?
1948 duplessis
What did Duplessis do about the asbestos strike?
He cracks down on strikers
(if you know what that means, tell me pls)
What did the Canadian government do to protect Arctic sovereignty?
Inuit communities are moved north to claim land so the Russians (adidas dudes) don’t take over
When is the st Lawrence seaway opened?
Why is the St Lawrence Seaway opened?
Due to the Cold War, iron ores are extracted and needs to be transported and processed
Who passed the act to promote rural electrification?
what years were duplessis in power
describe James Bay and Northern Quebec agreement
Quebec starts work on La Grande hyrdrostations without consulting the Indigenous who lived there. Cree take the QC gvt to court for threats to traditional territories and rights. QC gvt therefore decides to negoticate w cree and inuit
James Bay agreement was signed between which four groups?
Candian gvt
QC gvt
cree and inuit
What are the 3 agreements between Cree/inuit and QC gvt during JBA?
-protection of culture and territories
-225 million $
-Contruction of dams/hydrostations continue
What is corruption?
When companies finance political parties through a system of patronage
1. $ given to party
2. party wins election
3. To return the favor, the party will give special treatment to the company
Who introduces anti-corruption reforms?
Bill 101 is known as what?
Chater of the French language
What is the goal of bill 101 and what are two things it says?
goal is to protect and promote the use of French
it limits access to English education and ensures that medium-large businesses use French
What happens in the common front?
3 major unions go on strike in 1972