Chapter 2 Flashcards
What is imperialism?
Imposing an empire’s culture, values and political institutions on the regions taken over.
T/F: Many English Canadians are imperialists
What is French Canadian nationalism?
Attachment to the French language and catholic religion & willingness to defend these rights
Fill in the blank: Sir Wilfred Laurier is the first _________ Prime Minister.
French Canadian
Sir Wilfred Laurier is part of which party?
In which year does the Boer War happen and what is the context?
The Boers are descendants of Dutch settlers, living in South Africa. The British want to annex their land because of its gold reserves. Britain asks Canada to send soldiers and money to help.
What is the difference between the Imperialist’s and French Canadian’s opinion on the Boer War?
Imperialists :)
Want to help by sending troops and money. They are LOYAL to their mother country. They wanted Laurier to send more troops
French Canadian Nationalists :(
They don’t want Canada to get involved in Britain’s wars and send any troops.
What is Laurier’s solution to the Boer War?
He sends volunteers who want to fight (about 7,000 Canadians will participate)
Imperialists want to send more whereas French Canadians are upset any had to go.
When is the naval service bill established and what is it?
Canada establishes its own navy (it’s very small). Britian will now be able to ask Canada for help whenever necessary
Is anyone happy with the Naval Service Bill?
Fr Cdns worry that Canada will have to participate in all of Britain’s wars.
Imperialists believe Canada should build a bigger navy.
What are the territorial changes in 1905?
Alberta and Saskatchewan are new provinces that are created.
What year does the 2nd phase of industrialization occur?
What territorial changes occurred in 1912?
Manitoba, Quebec and Ontario expand North
In the 2nd phase of Industrialization, what are the locations of industries?
Abitibi, Maurice, Eastern townships
In the 2nd phase of Industrialization, what are the products/types of industry?
-natural resources, especially minerals: gold, silver, copper, zinc, asbestos
-pulp and paper
-timber (sawmills)
In the 2nd phase of Industrialization, what are the transportation developments?
automobiles, street cars, 2nd transcontinental railway
In the 2nd phase of Industrialization, what is the energy source?
In the 2nd phase of Industrialization, what are the effects on society?
-more women work in factories during wwi
-more skilled labour
-disparity between working and business class continues
-catholic unions form
In the 2nd phase of Industrialization, who is the investor?
What is economic liberalism?
little state intervention in the economy
What is the difference between the foreign investment before and after the 1930s?
The main investor changed from British in the early 20th century to American by 1930.
What is Monopoly capitalism?
Company controls a product and its market without any competition.
What are strikes used for?
measure used to pressure on employers and government
What is the CTCC (Confederation des catholiques du Canada)?
Catholic union
What is the cause of catholic unions being created?
Most unions emerging in Quebec were American and secular- the Chruch was worried unions would favor socialism and it would lose influence
What is xenophobia?
fear/intense dislike of foreigners
What is the Chinese Immigration Act 1923 and why does it happen?
This act almost entirely prohibits all Chinese immigration to Canada because English Canadians worry that immigrants threaten their culture
What are cooperatives?
Members cooperate by pooling their resources. Cooperatives can then get loans from banks and the profits are shared equally among the members.
What are two reasons farmers might join cooperatives?
-modernize their farms
-collectively determine product prices
Does the Church support cooperatives?
Yes because it focuses upon rural life.
What is fascism?
Ideology of a totalitarian regime founded on extreme nationalism.
Who are the three main actors of fascism? Which party?
Adrien Arcand
National socialist party
The following characteristics describe which ideology:
-suppression of dissent/opposing voices
-promotion of violence
-idolized leader
What does it mean to scapegoat?
Blame certain groups for problems in society (jews in wwii)
What is communism?
Ideology that promotes no class division (classless society) and an equal distribution of resources
The following characteristics describe which ideology:
-Against capitalism
-equal distribution of resources among all people
The USSR follows which ideology?
The USSR is which country nowadays?
The following characteristics describe which ideology:
-Creation of a society without class division, such as that between workers and employers
-the replacement of the centralized state with a self-managed and leaderless society
What is socialism?
ideology that focuses on reducing inequality and promotes government intervention
What is the key actor of socialism? party?
Tommy Douglas (CCF)
New Democratic Party (NDP)
The following characteristics describe which ideology:
-Promotes socialized medicine (for healthcare)
-nationalization of companies
-fewer inequalities between social classes
The following characteristics describe which ideology:
-Increased state intervention in the economy
-Replacement of the private property with the collective ownership of the means of production
T/F: fr Canadians make up 30% of Cdn population at the beginning of the 20th century.
What are the 3 economic consequences on wwi?
-industrial production increased (factories need to produce weapons n shit)
-Agricultural production increases to feed soldiers and europeans
-Women join the labour force to replace all men who are at the front
When does WWI occur?
The shooting of which person sparked the war?
Frenz Ferdinand
How is WWI paid for by Canada?
Victory bonds and income taxes
What is the concept of victory/war bonds?
People pay for victory bonds to help finance the war and increase their country’s chance of winning. Once the country has won, those people will get their money back with interest.
What is censorship?
This controls Canadian’s access to information. Newspaper stories must be approved by a censor to keep moral in Canada good and not discuss how bad war was.
What is conscription? When is it introduced?
obligatory military service- introduced when Canada is running out of soldiers 1917
Opinions about the conscription crisis differs between which two groups? What do they believe.
Imperialists want to support Britain and support the war
French Canadian Nationalists dont think Canadians should be forced to serve in British war.
What is the league of nations?
International organization of nations whose goal was to ensure peace by acting as a forum for resolving international disputes. This was established after WWI.
Did Canada join the League of nations independently or as a part of the British delegation?
Independently :D
When was the statute of Westminster established?
What did the Statute of Westminster do?
Canada can now declare war independently. They are no longer at war automatically when Britain declares war (full control over their own foreign affairs)
HOWEVER Canada still cannot make changes to its own constitution.
The roaring twenties emerge as a result of what major event and why?
WW1 due to economic growth in many sectors. People have $ to spend!!!
Explain the stock market crash
By 1929, the roaring twenties started to slow down. People lost confidence in the stock market, and everyone quickly sold off their stocks and this led to a crash
What were the two main causes of the Great Depression?
Overproduction and overaccumulation of goods & stock market crash
What are some characteristics of the Great Depression?
-Production drops
-High unemployment
-Wheat prices drop
-exports decrease
-bankruptcies increase
What is Keynesian economics/Keynesianism?
When the government pumps money into the economy to create jobs and get the economy moving
What is a consequence of Keynesian policies?
increased government intervention in the economy
What are the 3 government measures taken to address the Great Depression? Explain each.
1) Public works program
This creates jobs for men like building new infrastructure and buildings
2)Direct relief
Government gives money to those who qualify
3) Back to the land movement
What is clerico-nationalism?
Church’s belief about family, conservative traditional way of life, rural life and French language and culture
Who are the axis powers during WWII?
Germany, Italy and Japan
Who are the allied powers during WWII?
Britain, Canada, France, USA, USSR
What is suffrage?
The right to vote
Who was often placed into internment camps after WWII and why?
German Italian and Japanese bc they could be enemy agents
What was the plebiscite in 1942 held for?
It was held for conscription after WWII. All of Canada says yes except for Quebec
What is demobilization?
When soldiers return to Canada and go back to civilian life
James Borden followed which ideology?
Henri Bourassa followed with ideology?
French Canadian Nationalism
Which provinces fight for French education rights?
Manitoba and Ontario
What are royalties?
Money paid for access to resources
What is population density?
Concentration of population
What were four measures used to improve public health?
-Goutte de lait
-Sewage system
-Water purification
-vaccination campaigns
What was the 1st catholic union and when was it founded?
CTCC 1921
What is Vimy Ridge?
In 1917, during WWI, Canada conquers Vimy Ridge and gets a big Canadian victory
In WW1, Was Canada part of the allied or central powers?
The War Measures Act was used for 3 things, what were they?
Censorship, interning people of certain race for WW1 AND WW2
What is rationing and when is it used?
Limit the amount of goods per person. Used during war
Who was interned during WW1?
Germans, Austrians, Ukrainians
Who was interned during WW2?
When is suffrage for women established federally and provincially? Why did it take longer for QC to get suffrage?
1918 federal
1940 QC because it goes against values of the church
What are examples of mass culture?
Radio, movies, Habs
Who are industrialists?
Factory owners
What is purchasing power?
People are able to buy more
What is capitalism?
Private owners own businesses and want to maximize profits
Who is a clerico-nationalist?
Lionel Groulx