Chapter 3 Flashcards
List 4 Theory X assumptions
- Working is inherently distasteful
- most people are not ambitious
- people have little capacity for problem solving
- people are motivated by anxiety and their security
- people need to be closely controlled.
List 4 Theory Y assumptions
- Work is as natural as play
- people have the creativity for solving organisational issues
- people are self-motivated to complete their tasks
- people can be self-directed if properly motivated
State & explain the five basic hierarchy of needs (Abraham Maslow)
- physiological - food, shelter, clothing
- security & Safety - job security, insurance
- social - belonging/acceptance
- self-esteem - respect of others
- self-actualization - fulfilling potential.
What is the difference between ‘functional’ & ‘team’ roles?
Functional: roles that have to be performed due to job/role.
Team: reflect the natural preferences/innate abilities.
State 3 circumstances where Belbin’s work could be useful to a manager.
- When allocating specific tasks within the team.
- When developing team members.
- When recruiting new members of staff.
What does Emotional Intelligence focus on?
How the individual manages:
- Their own emotional state.
- The relationships they have with others.
What does ‘Personal Competence’ mean?
- Their own emotional state.
- This ensures they are in touch with their own feelings, drivers and preferences.
What does ‘Social Competence’ mean?
- The relationships they have with others.
- This is about being able to appreciate other people’s points of view and to sense and anticipate how they are likely to respond.
What domains are within Personal competence?
- Self-awareness.
- Self-management.
What domains are within Social competence?
- Social awareness.
- Relationship management.
What is self-awareness?
- Emotional self-awareness.
- Accurate self-assessment.
- Self-confidence.
What is self-management?
- Self-control
- Transparency
- Adaptability
- Achievement
- Initiative
- Optimism
What is social awareness?
- Empathy
- Organisational awareness
- Service
What is relationship management?
- Inspirational leadership
- Influence
- Developing others
- Change catalyst
- Conflict management
- Building bonds
- Teamwork and collaboration
What are Dr Steven Covey’s 7 habits?
- Be proactive.
- Start with the end in mind.
- Put first things first.
- Think win/win.
- Seek first to understand, then to be understood.
- Synergise.
- Sharpen the saw.
State the 2 key type of behaviour which Hershey and Blanchard identified the leader could demonstrate.
- Task behaviour
- Relationship behaviour.
State the Hershey and Blanchard leadership styles.
- Sell.
- Tell.
- Delegate.
- Participate.
What are Herzberg’s ‘Motivators’?
Work itself
What are Herzberg’s ‘Hygiene’ factors?
Working conditions
Relationship with supervisor and peers
State the 8 steps of John Kotter’s change management.
- Establish sense of urgency.
- Form a powerful guiding coalition.
- Create a vision.
- Communicate the vision.
- Empower others to act on the vision.
- Plan for and create short term wins.
- Consolidate improvements and produce more change.
- Institutionalise change.
List the 5 stages of team development identified by Bruce Tuckman
- Forming
- Norming
- Storming
- Performing
- Adjourning
Identify the four scales used by the Myers Briggs Type Indicator to categorise an individual’s behavioural preferences
- Extroversion / Introversion - How we focus our energy
- Sensing / Intuition - How we gather information
- Thinking / Feeling - How we make decisions/process information
- Judging / Perceiving - How we react to the work
What are examples of ‘Leading’ within the ‘Leadership v. Management’ model?
- Inspiring people to follow
- Influencing
- Setting out visions & values
- Asking
- The person
- Using a range of leadership styles based on the situation or need
- Delegating and giving thoughtful responsibility to staff
- Coaching
- Encouraging responsibility and taking initiative
- A longer-term strategy
What are examples of ‘Managing’ within the ‘Leadership v. Management’ model?
- Organizing and controlling people
- Directing
- Setting targets and manage against them
- Telling
- The task and process
- Using a narrower range of skills to get the job done
- Managing activities closely to ensure work gets done
- Instruction
- Encouraging following instruction
- Short-term tactics
What are Belbin’s Team Roles?
- Coordinator
- Resource Investigator
- Shaper
- Plant
- Monitor/Evaluator
- Specialist
- Team worker
- Completer/finisher
- Implementer