Chapter 29 Flashcards
Bryophytes are found:
where roots do not provide an advantage.
throughout the world.
where vascular plants do not have a competitive advantage.
on rocks and trunks of trees.
All of the answer options are true of bryophyte habitats.
The waxy substance on leaf surfaces is the:
Which of the following groups contain vessels as their primary form of water transport?
Vascular plants store most carbohydrate reserves as:
Xylem is able to extract water from soil because it is in direct contact with the soil.
Like bryophytes, most angiosperms also demonstrate desiccation tolerance, and can survive long periods without water.
Which of the following are not part of the shoot system?
Tracheids are shorter and thinner than vessels.
At the endodermis is a thin band of hydrophobic material that prevents water passage between cells called the:
Casparian strip.
Bryophytes are able to actively control their hydration.
Where is CO2 stored in a CAM plant?
in the vacuole
Water is transported from the soil to the leaves in the:
Carbohydrates are stored in the roots, but they may also be released into the surrounding soil, where they feed the microbial community.
Plants that have symbioses with nitrogen-fixing bacteria provide these bacteria with food in the form of carbohydrates.
How do bryophytes survive extreme dehydration without damage to their tissues?
They are able to dry out and resume photosynthesis at a later time.
Relative to C3 plants, the rates of photosynthetic production of CAM plants are high because they can store carbon until it is needed.
Which of the following substances helps make cells of xylem rigid to avoid collapse?
Which of the following statements is not true about phloem transport of sugars?
Removing sugars from phloem increases turgor pressure at the sink.
The carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen in a plant body come from ______, whereas the majority of other elements come from _________.
CO2 and water; the soil
Vascular tissue first evolved in which lineage of land plants?
The structure(s) that allow for the diffusion of gasses, such as CO2, into and out of a leaf is(are) the:
Plants exert greater forces to draw water up through the xylem than is possible with a vacuum pump.
A benefit of starch being the storage molecule in plants is that starch is easy for plants to move throughout the plant body.
Root activities are all passive, requiring no additional energy.
Which of the following plants would not be classified as bryophytes?
Where do mesophyll cells usually obtain CO2 for photosynthesis?
the air spaces that surround them
Which of the following statements is true?
Tracheids are short and thin, whereas vessel elements are much wider.
Under what circumstances are leaves “sinks” for carbohydrates?
when they very young or when they are in the dark
The carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen in a plant body come from ______, whereas the majority of other elements come from _________.
CO2 and water; the soil
Which of the following is not the correct combination of plant tissue and function in a leaf?
mesophyll: leaf surface
Which of the following is true of transport in phloem?
It is driven by turgor pressure.
Which of the following statements is false regarding CO2 storage in a CAM plant?
The storage form enters the Calvin cycle as phosphoenol pyruvate.
Which of the following statements best defines cavitation?
Cavitation is the presence of air bubbles in the xylem.
A sieve element does not contain which of the following?
Root activities are all passive, requiring no additional energy.
Where do mesophyll cells usually obtain CO2 for photosynthesis?
the air spaces that surround them
A researcher is comparing the rate of water flow between an evergreen tree and a cherry blossom. What will she find?
The rate of water flow will be slower in the evergreen, as tracheids have smaller diameters compared to vessels.
A companion cell supports a sieve element by performing specific cellular processes.
Which of the following activities in the roots does not require energy?
absorbing water into the root hair
Like bryophytes, most angiosperms also demonstrate desiccation tolerance, and can survive long periods without water.
Which of the following are not transported in phloem?
large starch molecules
At the endodermis is a thin band of hydrophobic material that prevents water passage between cells called the:
Casparian strip.
Transpiration is best defined as:
the evaporative loss of water through the stomata.
Which of the following statements is not true of the two alternative hypotheses for how the force is generated to pull water up the xylem?
The pectin gel in which cellulose microfibrils are embedded in the cell wall is slightly positive in charge, restricting the diffusion of positively charged ions.
Sieve plates:
are modified cell walls that connect sieve elements.
Some plant nutrients are more mobile in soil than others.
If an ancestral plant produced several hundred descendants over millions of years, a monophyletic group would contain _____________ of those descendants, and a paraphyletic group would contain _____________ of those descendants.
all; a subset
Although plants expend energy to move both water and carbohydrates between leaves and roots, the transportation of water requires slightly more energy.
You may know that Ernest Shackleton was a famous explorer of Antarctica. What plants would he most likely have encountered as he traveled the Antarctic?
The seed plants consist of which of the following monophyletic groups?
angiosperms and gymnosperms
How do bryophytes survive extreme dehydration without damage to their tissues?
They are able to dry out and resume photosynthesis at a later time.