Chapter 28: Lymphocytes, Leukocytes, and Granulocytes Flashcards
What causes leukocytes to demarginize?
epinephrine and cortisol
Which proteins in the endothelium help pull neutrophils out of circulation?
Which proteins help anchor cells to endothelium?
I-CAM 1 ?
Which patients will have higher than normal demargination without infection?
steriod and epinephrine users
most common cause of leukopenia
viral infection (Parvo B19, Hep E, Hep C
drugs that blast bone marrow?
Vinblastine, AZT, Chloramphenicol, Benzene
Which organ can take over erythropoeisis?
What proteins help neutrophils get through endothelium?
What is leukemoid reaction? When do we see it?
extreme demargination during extreme stress (like burns)
Immature neutrophils with maximal germ-killing ability
What sets leukemia apart from other leukocytosis?
Bands more than 5%
What virus can cause lymphomas?
most common age for ALL
What stain for ALL
What protein do lymphoblasts lose when they mature and which is a marker for ALL?
TdT (terminal deoxythymidine) +
What protein shows a good response to chemotherapy in ALL?
CALLA+ (Common ALL antigen)
Which monoclonal antibody is especially for B cells but shouldn’t be used in children?
What marker is for immature B cells?
CD9 and CD10
What marker is for mature B cells?
CD19, CD20, CD21
What leukemia has Auer rods?
Which leukemia has the worst prognosis and why?
AML because it affects neutrophils, macrophages and monocytes and affects the humoral and cell mediated. The whole immune system is affected.
What does AML stain with?
Sudan black
What is the gene defect in AML?
trans (15,17)
What is normal pt. profile for CML?
30-50 more common in women
What is the normal pt. profile in CLL?
older men
Which gene is responsible for CML?
trans(9,22); Philadelphia chromosome
When do you treat CLL?
When WBC count is more than 100,000, because the cells can clot the blood vessels.
Which meds are used for CML /CLL?
Chlorambucil or “tinibs”
APL Promyeloblast Leukemia most common form
What may happen in Promyeloblast Leukemia
clues for DIC
high D-dimer and fibrin split products
What is treatment for APL
vitamin A, matures cells and becomes AML, but prolongs life
What is the marker for Hairy Cell Leukemia?
TRAP + (Tartrate Resistant Acid Phosphatase
Which kind of cells do leukemias and lymphomas affect?
B cells
Which lymphoma has Reed-Sternberg cells?
Hodgkins Lymphoma
What is the marker for Hodgkin’s?
CD30, CD15
What is a sign of Hodgkin’s?
painless adenopathy
If pt has multiple painful adenopathy of cerrvical, supraclavicular, epitrochlear and inguinal nodes, what is the next best step in management?
How does Non-Hodgkin’s present in the USA?
abdominal mass
How does Non-Hodgkin’s present in developing countries?
jaw mass
Most common Non-Hodgkin’s and its gene defect?
follicular t(14,18) heavy chain (14) and BCL-2 (18)
“starry sky” appearance Non-Hodgkin’s and its gene defect?
Burkitt lymphoma t(8,14) translocation of c-myc (8) and heavy-chain (14)
ABVD lymphoma treatment
Adriamycin, Bleomycin, Vioncristine, Dacarbazine
Which ABVD treatment causes lung fibrosis?
Adriamycin, Bleomycin
Which ABVD treatment causes neuropathy?
Most common cancer that causes myelofibrosis?
ALL, metastasis to bone
presentation of aplastic anemia
fatty infiltration of bone marrow, low ret count