Chapter 28 - Affluence and Atomic Bombs, (1950-1960) Flashcards
What was Dwight Eisenhower’s political philosophy?
Dynamic conservatism. Conservative when it came to money. Liberal when it came to human beings.
How had American politics shifted by 1952?
To the left of center.
Who was arguably the most philosophically liberal candidate of all-time?
Adlai Stevenson.
What was Ike’s Presidential managerial style?
Very hands off and behind the scenes. A businessman’s government.
Who did FDR appoint to his cabinet?
Eight corporate executives and one labor union leader.
What was the economy like during the 1950s?
Economic Growth with Little Inflation meant a higher standing of living and greater affordability of consumer goods.
What played a significant role in creating the economic growth seen in the 1950s?
1) Increased Cold War military spending.
2) Destruction From WWII Gave the US a Basic Monopoly Over the World Market.
What happened to the GNP between 1940-1970?
How many people lived below the poverty line in the 1950s?
What was Eisenhower’s perspective towards the New Deal?
He did not seek to repeal it, but stop its cost from increasing.
What are three Eisenhower Programs that show he was not averse to large-scale federal programs?
1) The U.S.-Canada St. Lawrence Seaway Project.
2) Interstate Highway System
3) The National Defense Education Act - To Get a Satellite Into Space and Help Beat the Soviets.
4) NASA - To Explore Space.
What was Eisenhower’s new foreign policy called?
The New Look.
What was the New Look?
Aggressive Containment Policy that did not break the bank with military spending.
How did Eisenhower reduce military spending while still pursuing a policy of containment?
1) Expanded CIA Operations and Clandestine Work in Other Countries
2) A Greater Dependence on Nuclear Weapons by Spending More on Procuring a Greater Nuclear Arsenal
What was Eisenhower’s one attempt at rolling back communism and how did it go?
The Bay of Pigs Invasion in Cuba and it went terribly and was a complete failure.
Instead of rolling back communism, what did Eisenhower do?
Encircled it.
What organizations did Eisenhower create to encircle communism?
Who were identified as the communists in Vietnam?
Ho Chi Minh
When did the Vietnam war begin?
How did the US attempt to contain communism in South Vietnam?
By creating a pro-US state in an otherwise communist country.
What kind of commitment did Vietnam become?
A permanent one.
Where does the modern Civil Rights Movement have its roots?
World War II.
When were the first legal battles of the Civil Rights Movement Fought?
The Eisenhower Administration.
What did Ike do in the realm of civil rights?
1) Eliminate segregation and discrimination in areas that were clearly under executive authority.
2) First to appoint an African American to a executive position on the White House staff.
What was Ike’s strategy towards civil rights?
Slow integration but quick action when forced to do so.
What group was the almost sole advocacy group for civil rights in the United States?
What was the strategy pursued by the NAACP?
All of its battles with racial discrimination took place inside the courtroom.
What did the Court decide in Brown v. Board of Education?
That all public schools had to integrate with all deliberate speed.
When did each region implement the Court’s order in Brown v. Board?
Border States - Late 1950s
Deep South - Late 1960s
How did the North accomplish racial segregation?
Through housing contracts that restricted blacks and whites to certain neighborhoods that meant different schools.
What type of segregation existed in the Souther Schools
De Jur School Segregation
What was the unintended consequence of Brown v. Board?
It Made Schools the focus of the civil rights movement and inflamed the issues.
What happened in the Central High School confrontation in Little Rock, Arkansas?
The government of Arkansas refused to allow nine black students to attend Central High and called the National Guard.
How did Eisenhower respond the the school’s refusal to admit the nine black students?
He sent in U.S. Paratroopers to take the kids to school.
Who refused to give up her seat on a bus sparking the Montgomery Bus Boycott?
Rosa Parks
What organization was created in the wake of the Rosa Parks incident?
The Montgomery Improvement Association
Who was chosen to lead the Montgomery Improvement Association?
Martin Luther King Jr.
What did 5,000 African Americans decide at the Holt Church meeting of the MIA?
To continue the Bus Boycott indefinitely.
How did the Bus Boycott in Montgomery End?
After the Supreme Court ruled that the policy of segregation on busses was unconstitutional.
What did the Civil Rights movement need to succeed?
Legal, political and grass roots activity.
What was Martin Luther King Jr.’s civil rights group called?
The Southern Christian Leadership Conference
What other groups played a major role in the civil rights movement?
1) The Student Non-Violent Coordination Committee
2) The Congress on Racial Equality.
When did the Civil Rights Movement win its major victories?
In the late-1960s with the Johnson era Great Society reforms.
Why did the Civil Rights Movement take place exclusively in the South?
1) More Blacks Live in the South than the North. (70% in the South)
2) NAACP strategy attacked de jure not de facto segregation.
What is one common error in how Christians treat groups of people?
Treating them as a monolith and overgeneralization.
What type of society did Martin Luther King Jr. envision?
One with equal opportunity for all, not equality of condition.
What were the militant separatist black groups in America?
1) Nation of Islam
2) Black Power/Panthers
What is equality of condition?
1) Two people will start in somewhat equal places
2) Both people will record at least some kind of achievement
3) an extreme disparity in where the two people end suggests that discrimination may account for such inequality.
Why did MLK move from equality of opportunity to equality of condition?
The inability of blacks to get ahead despite hard work.
What concepts did the second stage of the Civil Rights movement introduce?
1) Affirmative Actions
2) Race Based Preferences
3) Race Quotas
What do second stage civil rights movement policies rely on for legitimacy?
Compensatory Justice. Acting so the past injustices are rectified.
How do common historians view the 1950s culture?
As entirely an attempt to conform and be normal.
What does Dr. Spinney see in 1950s culture?
A generation of Americans who had come to appreciate a stable and rewarding home life.
How was communism depicted religiously?
As atheistic.
Define Civil Religion,
A movement that was religious to combat communism. Religion was patriotism. Thus In God We Trust and One Nation Under God became a part of American Culture.
When did the modern evangelical movement begin?
After World War II.
Who/What were the main figures of the evangelical movement?
1) Billy Graham
2) National Association of Evangelicals
3) Fuller Theological Seminary
4) Christianity Today.
5) Francis Schaeffer.
What was the stance of new evangelicalism?
Rejected the Separatism of the Older Fundamentalism.
What did Evangelicals argue was the problem with Older Fundamentalism?
1) A Wrong Attitude - Suspicion of All Who did Not Hold Every Doctrine the Fundamentalists did
2) A Wrong Strategy - Separatism for a pure church on a local level
3) Wrong Results - Didn’t Stem the Tide of Liberalism or address Social Problems From a Biblical Perspective.
What are the three religious movements in post-World war II society?
1) Civil Religion
2) Evangelicals
3) Neo-Orthodoxy.
Who was the founder of Neo-Orthodoxy?
Karl Barth.
Who was the chief American champion of Neo-Orthodox?
Reinhold Neibuhr.
What was the stance of Neo-Orthodoxy?
1) Man is Sinful
2) God is Big and Powerful
3) Bible is Errant
4) The Word of God is something Written Inside you
5) Jesus as Teacher but not divine
Why is the Neo-Orthodox movement important?
1) A realistic View of the World That Aided a Tough Anti-Communist Stance
2) Encouraged Christians to Engage Culture and Change it for Christ
3) Stole the Thunder From Evangelicals
What President liked Neo-Orthodoxy?
Jimmy Carter.
Why is the era from 1946-1964 called the Baby Boom?
Increasing Birthrate to Offset a low Birthrate during the 30s and World War II.
Which generation was the first to perceive themselves as being so different as to need a label?
The Baby Boomers.
What are the typical traits of Baby Boomers?
1) Hard Working to the Point of Working
2) Driven to the Point of Being Overly Motivated.
3) Can-Do Attitudes
4) Problem Solvers
Define the nuclear family.
Social Group with common residence, economic cooperation, and reproduction. Has one adult of both sexes, at least one child.
About what percent of women worked outside the home?
How many marriages ended in divorce during the 1950s?
About 23%
How did Stevenson recast women in his commencement address at Smith College?
As the Liberal Arts Professor of the home.
What type of city was birthed in the 40s and 50s?
The Black Ghetto.
What factors created the Black Ghettos?
1) The Great Migration and Movement of Blacks to the North
2) Northern Housing Shortage as a Result of the Depression and World War II shortages.
3) Suburban Subdivisions Were the Choice of Construction and Opened for Middle Class Whites, Leaving the Cities for Blacks
4) Racial Discrimination often prevented blacks from relocating to all white neighborhoods
5) “Ghettos in the Sky” Programs of federal housing high-rise units were not set aside for poorer families but deteriorated and left to blacks only.
Where did riots break out over black housing in Chicago?
1) Englewood
2) Park Manor
3) Cicero
What is blockbusting?
Where one or two black families would move into an all white neighborhood.
What was the largest housing project in the world?
The Robert Taylor Homes.
What did the black only part of Chicago come to be called?
How did mortgages change after world war II?
Went from one large short term mortgage with large payments to a long term mortgage with small payments.
What exemplified a typical suburb?
Park Forest.
How did developers get people to move to the suburbs?
My marketing them on friendliness.