Chapter 26 Flashcards
an area of skin that has been superficially scraped, creating a wound, also, tooth wear associated with chewing on objects, such as rocks, ice cubes, toys, and bones
Carpal flexion sling
forelimb sling used in small animals that flexes the wrist joint and is used to protect flexor tendon repair and prevent weight bearing while allowing movement of the elbow and the shoulder
proteins that make up most of the skin, bone, cartilage, tendons, and other connective tissue
the opposite side
Dead space
space between tissues created b a wound, allowing accumulation of fluid
to cleanse by removal of lacerated, devitalized, or contaminated tissue
Decubitus ulcers
Pressure sores that develop when an animal lies on a bony prominence for too long
Degloving injury
injury typically to the distal limb, which a large section of skin is torn off the underlying tissue in a glove-like fashion
Ehmer sling
pelvic limb sling used in small animals that prevents weight bearing and helps force the femoral head into the acetabulum by abduction and internal rotation of the femur
process of wound coverage by epithelial cells during the final stage of the proliferative phase of wound heaing
External coaptation
use of a rigid external device such as a bandage, splint, or cast to align fractures
Extracellular matrix
meshwork-like substance attached tot he outer cell surface that provides support and anchorage
Exuberant granulation tissue
excessive formation of vascularized fibrous tissue in an open wound, Granulation tissue is considered exuberant when it grows above the level of the skin
cells that are recruited into a wound during the proliferative phase of wound healing that help from granulation tissue
Granulation tissue
Vascularized fibrous tissue that covers a full-thickness skin wound if the wound is left to heal by a second intention
having an affinity for water, soluble in water,
having an osmolality higher than that of blood
Inflammatory phase
the first phase of wound healing. Characterized by formation of a blood clot within the wound, release of growth factors, and recruitment of macrophages and neutrophils to clean up the wound and to modulate healing
pertaining to the groin area
having the same osmolality as that of blood
sharp cut or tear through the skin and possibly deeper tissue
Maturation Phase
the third and final phase of wound healing. Collagen fibers remodel and align, and there is a final gain in wound strength
Modified Robert Jones bandage
Bandage that is similar to a robert jones bandage but with a much thinner secondary layer
Modified Thomas splint
Traction splint constructed of rods: used to stabilize long-bone fractures in large animals
Moist wound healing
maintaining a moist wound environment by using an occlusive or semi-occlusive primary bandage layer
type of fibroblast with contractile properties similar to those of smooth muscle cells, which are responsible for wound contraction
Non-adherent dressing
primary layer that does not adhere firmly to the wound surface
impermeable to moisture. used in reference to bandage materials. an occlusive primary layer is used for moist wound healing
Primary closure
surgical closure of a fresh, clean wound, leading to primary intention healing
Primary intention wound healing
Healing of a wound across a surgically closed incision
Proliferative phase
The second phase of wound healing, characterized by invasion of fibroblasts, formation of granulation tissue, deposition of collagen, epithialization across healthy granulation tissue, and wound contraction by myofibroblasts
regrowth of epithelial cells over a wound. Cells advance in a single layer across the wound until they meet in the middle when migration stops as the result of contact inhibition
Robert Jones Bandage
distal limb bandage for which a large amount of rolled cotton is used: aids in immobilization of fractures. Rigid material can be incorporated into this bandage
Second intention healing
healing of a wound by granulation tissue formation, epithelialization, and contraction
Secondary closure
wound that has formed healthy granulation tissue and is then closed by apposing the skin over the granulation tissue
allowing air and moisture to move through. Used in reference to bandage materials. A semi-occlusive primary layer is used for moist wound healing
Spica splint
full-limb bandage, including a lateral splint that reaches over the shoulder or hip that is used to aid in immobilization
Third intention wound healing
healing of a wound that has already formed granulation tissue and undergone secondary closer
Velpeau sling
non-weight bearing forelimb sling that flexes the entire limb; primarily used for medical shoulder luxation