Chapter 25&26 Respiratory system and upper res. disorder Flashcards
What is the normal volume of air inspired and expired with each respiration (in and out like the tide of an ocean)
Tidal Volume
What is the maximum amount of air inhaled at the point of maximum expiration
Inspiratory Reserve Volume
What is the maximum amount of air exhaled after a resting expiration
Expiratory Reserve Volume
What is the maximum amount of air exhaled after a maximum inspiration
Vital Capacity
What is the volume of air that remains in the lungs after normal expiration
Functional Residual Capacity
What is thoracentesis
Plural fluid is aspirated and examined for pathogens and other abnormal components
Instruction for patient before thoracentesis
Do not move or cough during the procedure.
What should a nurse do before thoracentesis procedure
Signed Consent
What is the PH of blood
ph of blood: 7.35-7.45
What is the lab value for pc02
what is the lab value for pa02
what is the lab value for bicarbonate
What is normal 02 saturation
How do you do Allen test?
Pressure is applied over the ulnar and the radial arteries so as to occlude both of them.
What is chest physiotherapy
Percussion, postural drainage, vibration (Pursed lips for incentive spirometer)
What is the purpose of a chest tube
Inserted to drain air or fluid from the pleural space of the lungs which permits re-expansion of a collapsed lung in the patient with a hemothorax, pneumothorax, or pleural effusion
What is nursing duties for chest tube intervention
Monitor vs breath sounds, and oxygen status frequently
Assess the dressing
Monitor drainage
If suction is prescribed, there will be bubbling in the suction control chamber
What is cheyne stokes respiration?
Breaths progressively deeper, then becoming shallow, followed by apnea.
What is kussmaul respiration?
pattern is regular, deep and rate is faster than 20breaths per minutes.
What is biot’s respiration?
pattern is abnormally shallow for several breaths followed by irregular period of apnea.
What is pseudoephdrine used for?
constricts blood vessels to reduce swelling of mucous membranes.
What should the nurse monitor when a patient is taking pseudoephdrine?
Monitor bp and mental status
What is codeine used for?
suppresses cough reflex.
What should the nurse monitor when the patient is taking codeine
Encourage fluids unless contraindicated