Chapter 24 Preeclampsia Flashcards
preeclampsia definition:
new onset hypertension after 20 weeks gestation. in the presence of new onset PROTEINURIA.
etiology of preeclampsia
women with family hx of preeclampsia
father of baby who’s mother had preeclampsia are more likely to have pregnancies complicated by preeclampsia.
hypertension and diabetes, poor control of diseases with endothelial dysfunction;
women with history of preeclampsia.
increases risk of preeclampsia
women with hx of preeclampsia are more likely to develop
cardiovascular disease, renal disease, insulin resistance later in life (all involve endothelial dysfunction)
Risk FActors for Preeclampsia
1.nulliparity, primipaternity, and initial or novel sperm exposure.
2.previous hx preeclampsia; hx severe preeclampsia in 1st pregnancy increase risk of recurrence by 45%
3. Severe preeclampsia in midtrimester carries a recurrence rate as high as 65%
4. Family hx preeclampsia carries 3 x increased risk, and 4x increased risk of SEVERE preeclampsia.
5.chronic HTN, obesity, insulin resistance/diabetes mellitus.
6.smoking (decreases risk of preeclampsia)
diagnosis of preeclampsia
new onset of systolic BP of at least 140/90 on 2 occassions at least 6 hrs but no more than 7 hrs apart.
diagnosed after 20 weeks in a previously normotensive patient.
Severe preeclampsia
160/ 110 for at least 6 hrs
proteinuria greater than
greater than or equal to 300mg in 24 hrs for mild preeclampsia and greater than or equal to 5 grams in 24 hrs for severe preeclampsia.
when 24 hr urine collection is not available, ___ can be used
urine dipstick can be used and proteinuria defined as at least 1+ on at least 2 different specimens 6 hrs apart. urine dipstick values should not be used to diagnose severe proteinuria.
symptoms of SEVERE preeclampsia:
persistent cerebral symptoms such as headache/vision changes, epigastric/right upper quadrant pain.
lab abnormalities of SEVERE preeclampsia
abnormal liver enzymes and thrombocytopenia with platelets <100,000.
end organ involvement sx: for SEVERE preeclampsia.
oliguria, pulmonary edema, fetal IUGR
diagnosis of SUPERIMPOSED preeclampsia
no previous proteinuria who develops proteinuria (at least 300mg in 24 hrs).
- preexisting proteinuria before 20 weeks gestation with new exacerbation of previously well-controlled HTN with systolic bp of 180mmHg or more or diastolic bp of 110mmhg or more.
- headache, vision changes, eigastric pain, elevations in liver enzymes, or decrease in platelets to <100,000 lead to dx of superimposed preeclampsia.
- Hemolysis elevated liver enzymes low platelets (HELLP).
hemolysis - microangiopathic hemolytic anemia- presents with abnormal peripheral smear, elevated indirect serum bilirubin, low serum haptoglobin levels, elevated lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) (usually over 600). and SIGNIFICANT drop in hemoglobin levels.
rate of eclampsia (convulsions)