chapter 24 - populations and sustainability Flashcards
What is the difference between the abundance of organisms and the distrubution of organisms?
- abundance, the number of individuals of a single species in an ecosystem
- distrubution, where a species if found in an ecosystem
What are the 4 factors that affect abundance of organisms?
- interspecific competition
- intraspecific competition
- abiotic factors
- prey and predator relationship
What 2 factors affect the distrubution of organisms?
- interspecific competition
- predation(relation between prey and predator)
What is a niche?
- its the role that an organism plays in an ecosystem
What is the carrying capacity?
- the max stable population an ecosystem can support
What is the difference between conservation and preservation?
- conservation, sustainable use and management of ecosystems
- preservation, keeping an ecosystem in an untouched state
Why do we conserve ecosystems?
- prevents ecosystems being destroyed
- allows sustainable use of natural resources
- management, controls the way the resources are used
- includes restoration of ecosystems(reforestation)
What is the economic, social and ethical reason we conserve ecosystems?
- economic, maintains the long term use of natural resources
- social, people enjoy them
- ethical, organisms have the right to life
in what ways is timber production managed to be more sustainable?
- coppicing, cutting trees without killing them so they grow back
- strip felling, cut down trees in strips or blocks(kills them)
- replanting trees, plant native trees
What are the benefits of managing timber production?
- trees grow back faster
- don’t need to plant new trees(coppicing)
- less disruption to ecosystem, maintains biodiversity
- less erosion and leeching(strip felling)
- prevents shoots being eaten by animals
In what ways is fishing managed to be more sustainable?
- fishing quotas, limits the number of fish caught and killed
- regulate the mesh size of nots
- protect important areas by preventing fishing there
What are the benefits of managing fishing?
- prevent species extinction by reducing the number of fish caught
- protect the breeding population
- reduce bycatch(accidental catch of unwanted species)
- only fish of a certain size will be caught
What are both transects and quadrats used for?
- both used to survey immobile or slow moving organisms(plants)
What types of sampling are used in transects and quadrat surveys?
- transect, systematic sampling
- quadrat, random sampling
What are the 3 types of transects and how do they work?
- line transect, run a tape measure between 2 points and record all the species that touch the tape
- bolt transect, use quadrats along the length of the transect
- interrupted transect, use quadrats at fixed intervals along the transects
What are the two types of quadrats used for surveying?
- frame quadrat
- point quadrat