Chapter 24 - Modern Times and Worldview Wars Flashcards
Describe the Modernist Worldview Held Before the Great War.
1) Confidence in Knowledge of the World, How to Solve Its Problems, and How to Find Happiness.
2) Absolute Truth Existed and Science Could Find It
3) Progress Was Inevitable. Eventually Men Would Solve all the Worlds Problems
4) It was absolutely compatible with and encouraged Christian Morality
What did the 1920s mark as a first in regards to Christian values?
The first time anti-Christian values were openly regarded as trendy and immorality glorified.
Who explained that human behavior was driven by irrational and hidden emotions and typified Postmodern thinking?
Sigmund Freud.
Who’s music typified Postmodern thought?
Richard Wagner and Jazz.
List the artistic surrealists that exemplified Postmodern thought in art?
1) Salvador Dali
2) Andre Breton
3) Marcel Duchamp
List the Abstract artists that exemplified Postmodern though.
1) Wasily Kandinsky
2) Piet Mondrian
3) Paul Klee
Who wrote literature that exemplified Postmodern thought?
1) T.S. Eliot
2) James Joyce
3) Virginia Woolf
4) Gertrude Stein
What scientific theories and discovered exemplified postmodern thought?
1) Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle
2) Einstein’s Theory of Relativity
3) Planck’s Particle-Wave Duality
Where did the postmodern worldview reside during the 1920s?
Mostly in academia, it wouldn’t trickle down to the public until around the 1980s
What poem demonstrates the effect the Great War had on thought and who wrote it?
William Butler Yeats “The Second Coming”
List the examples of new moral values in America during the 1920s.
1) The New Woman
2) Recreation Dating
3) Margret Sanger
4) Prohibition and the Celebration of Lawlessness
5) Scopes Trial and Assault on Biblical Christianity
Describe the New Woman.
1) Flapper Girls - Short Skirts, Licentious Behavior, Strong and Independent, Bob Haircuts
2) Glorification of Flapper Girls By Hollywood
Describe Recreational Dating.
Went from parental control to male control.
What reform did Margret Sanger push for?
Birth control and Abortions.
What changed in the Response to Sanger?
She faced 45 years in prison pre-1920s and was able to say the same things without a problem after 1920.
What happened to Prohibition during the 1920s?
It became a badge of honor to violate it by upper and middle class members of society. Gangsters were incredibly possible. (Capone in Chicago)
What was the Scopes Trial?
Scopes taught Evolution against Tennessee Law. The trial became a way to delegitimize Christian beliefs even though Scopes was found guilty.
How did Journalists treat Christianity during the 1920s?
With open condemnation.
What were the ways Traditionalists attempted to maintain the old order and prevent the rise of the Postmodern worldview?
1) Nativism
2) Immigration Restrictions
3) The Second KKK
4) The Fundamentalist Movement
How did Nativism manifest itself in the United States?
1) Violent Ethnic Riots - Worst was in Chicago
2) The 1919 Red Scare in Response to Communism
3) The Sacco and Vanzetti Trial -Italian Anarchists Charged With Murder and Theft in Boston
What aggravating factors contributed to nativism in cities?
1) Economic Downturn
2) The Great Migration
3) No Housing to Accommodate More People
What were the immigration restrictions imposed by Congress during this era?
1) 2% from each country
2) No Asian Immigrants
3) Free English Speaking Immigration But Little Southern or Eastern European Immigration.
Which KKK took root during the 1920s and was it anti- Black?
The Second KKK and it was not anti-black
How many members did the second KKK have?
Over 3 million.
What did the Second KKK advocate for?
The old way of morality and anti-immigration efforts.
Why did the Second KKK come to a halt?
The Leaders were arrested for scandalous and immoral behavior.
What were the five core beliefs of the Fundamentalists?
1) the Bible is Divinely inspired and Error-Free
2) Christ’s Virgin Birth and Deity
3) Christ’s Substitutionary Atonement as payment for sin.
4) Christ’s bodily resurrection
5) Christ’s personal return to earth to judge all mankind, which means a literal heaven and hell.
List the Specific Practices of the Fundamentalists.
1) A Growing Distrust of Academia. Ironic Considering the Existence of Theologians such as Warfield, Orr, and Erdman.
2) Cultural Separatism - Didn’t participate heavily in politics, created their own colleges, and didn’t engage in non Fundamentalist academia or media.
3) Still Evangelists - Sought to Save Others
Big Picture: Withdraw from the intellectual and psychological aspects of culture.
What happened to Progressivism during the 1920s?
It was lost on the national level but maintained to some extent on the state level in States such as Nebraska and Wisconsin.
Describe Harding’s administration.
1) A Return to Normalcy
2) Republican Old Guard - Conservative
3) Revoked Progressive Era Reforms - High Tariffs, Ineffective Federal Agencies, Reversed SCOTUS Decisions
4) Scandals - Teapot Dome, Attorney General, Secretary of the Interior, Drinking and Adulterous Relationships
Why did Harding Leave Office?
Sickness and a Heart Condition that Worsened?
Who Followed Harding?
Calvin Coolidge.
Describe Coolidge’s Administration.
1) A Return to Economic Laizze Fare - Produced Massive economic Growth
2) Affordable Consumer Goods
3) Massive Growth in Production
4) Better Benefits for Workers
Who followed Calvin Coolidge?
Herbert Hoover.
Describe Hoover’s Administration.
1) Gifted Statesman With A Good Reputation After Serving in the Two Pervious Administrations
2) Pro-Business Moderate
3) Created Salutary Associations to achieve goals as opposed to government programs. (Government-Business cooperations)
4) Tax Reductions is Low Income Brackets to Increase Purchasing Power
What movement was created as a consequence of the Great Migration in Black America?
The Harlem Renaissance.
Name two major segregated cities in the North that Blacks flocked to?
Harlem in New York City and the South Side in Chicago.
List the Writers in the Harlem Renaissance.
1) Claude McKay
2) Langston Hughes
3) Zora Hurstson
4) Countee Cullen
5) Jean Toomer
Name the main painter of the Harlem Renaissance.
1) Aaron Douglas.
Who became the Harlem Renaissance’s main visionary and philosopher?
1) Alain Locke
Who created great Jazz music during the Harlem Renaissance?
1) Duke Ellington
2) Louis Armstrong
3) Cab Calloway
What belief took root among some African Americans during the 1920s?
That full racial integration was impossible and therefore should keep themselves separate.
Who advocated this black separatism?
Marcus Garvey and the United Negro Improvement Association.
Who was an enemy to Garvey?
W.E.B. DuBois
What were the five tenants of the Liberal Christian Creed during the 1920s?
1) Sin Separates No One From the Love of God
2) All Men Are Good
3) Christ is a perfect teacher and example but not the son of God.
4) Christianity is the same religion and evangelism to other faiths shouldn’t occur
5) the Bible is a human testament of religion and like any other book.