Agencies Handout Flashcards
What did the FDIC do?
Provided Insurance For Bank Deposits
What did FERA do?
1) Provided a Tax On Incomes to Ensure Retirement Benefits
2) Provided States Aid for Work Projects as Well as the Dole
What did the Economy Act Do?
A Plan to Cut Wages of Veterans and Federal Employees
The First AAA?
1) Provided a Variety of Ways for Increasing Farm Income
2) Placed a Tax on Farm Products When First Processed For Market
The CCC?
Jobs for Young Men in the Nations parks?
1) $3.3 Billion for jobs on major building projects
2) Counterpart to the NRA that provided jobs on major construction projects
1) Built Dams to produce and sell electricity
2) Created a Regional Rehabilitation of a River Basin
Allowed Industries to collaborate to limit the production of goods and raise wages
Loans to Rural Cooperatives to Run Electrical Lines to Remote Farms
The Wagner Act
Created a Committee to Oversee Elections for Unions
1) Provided a Tax on Incomes to Ensure Retirement Benefits
2) Established the Welfare System for Mothers and Dependent Children
Wealth Tax Act
Greatly increased income taxes
An agency to regulate the sale of stocks and bonds
Provided loans to help farm tenants buy their land
Soil Conservation Act
Paid farmers to conserve soil by not planting crops
Fair Labor Standards Act
Set Minimum Wages and Maximum Hours for Certain Industries in Interstate Commerce
Long-Term Federal program to provide jobs including symphony, theater, and artistic projects.